Stranger in the Ice

Start from the beginning

•The Locket from Gumball ✔

•some boots she found in a dumpster (. . were white now just a nasty gray-ish) ✔

•A Hoodie from Marci (Black) ✔

• Her satchel gifted by Finn ✘

"Huh." [Name] circled around, her eyes darting to find her bag which was, clearly, no where to be seen. She groaned before making her way to the door and peaking her head through, "Dad, did you steal my bag to pretend to be me and the guys."

"No! " the Ice King yelled back with pause, "not that I remember. . . "

[Name] chuckled at the remark, "are you sure?"

"Yeah, I pretended to be Jake last time. Hehe it was a doozy I can still feel the wind on my nips--"

"Whoa okay!" [Name] was quick to cut him off with the closing of her door. She blew air between her lips as she looked around before catching something stabbed behind her dresser. She tilted her head before walking over, seeing the satchel nailed to the wall before thinking and laughing out loud.

"Oh yeaaaah, " last night [Name] was attacked by a snow elf, her of course winning, and ended up passing out, forgetting what happened. [Name] shrugged and grabbed the satchel, leaving the arrow there for a hanger.

[Name] checked herself in her ice-made mirror before jumping out of the open window, rolling down the snow and creating a snow ball. When she reached the base, [Name] spreads her body, removing all now and ice with a laugh.

She looked around before picking a random direction to start her adventure.

There wasn't plan exactly to what she wanted to do today, but a walk felt needed. Maybe she can find treasure.

[Name] whistled and used her wooden spear to dig through the snow. She found a few things: wrappers, clothes, old jewelry. Boring stuff really.

A chilled breeze went by, blowing the mess of hair on [Name]'s head to the side and a few piles of snow. When [Name] removed the hair from her head her eye caught another object in the snow. Her excitement and curiosity gleamed in her face as she instantly stood up and ran over to the object.

She managed to trip over her feet, but still got her hands on the. . . mask?

"Huh?"  [Name] inspected the mask closely, sitting down in the snow, ignoring the growing water on her bottoms. She hummed as she played with the straps before slipping it on her face.



The girl behind the mask breathed heavily as she ran away from the people the reached out to the undying person. Tears fell from her eyes as she headed the groans of people she once knew.

"help me!"

"I can't feel my legs!"

"my son, where is my son?! "

The girl continued to run, refusing to stop even with her mind telling her to turn back and help the people that called.

She could practically hear the other bombs that met the terrain just as loud as the cries.

It hurts.



[Name] quickly removed the mask from her face, looking around, being so elighted to see snow and ice. Sweat rain from her forehead, but she did not drop the mask, in fact she strapped it to the satchel and let it hang while she continued to walk.

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