Chapter 4: The Body

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Maybelle stood beside Hopper as he was telling Joyce that Will was dead

"Whoever you found... is not my boy it's not Will"


"no you don't understand I talked to him... a half hour ago

he was... he was here... he was talking with these" Joyce stammered holding a pile of Christmas lights one blink for yes, two for no" Jouce kept stammering

Maybelle couldn't handle it anymore she walked out of the house and went back to the car after getting inside the car she could not take it anymore and broke down.

this all my fault only if I'd taken Will home then he still would be alive Maybelle thought crying harder.

Maybelle moved to the back of the truck and took out her Walkman and a tape before laying down across the seats and pressing play

walk in silence
don't walk away, in silence
see the danger
always danger

endless talking
life rebuilding
don't walk away

walk in silence
don't turn away, in silence
your confusion
my illusion

Maybelle sat on a stiff board waiting room chair in a silent room as the clock ticks a second the door bursts opening taking Maybelle by surprise Joyce walked out close behind her was Johnathan.

Maybelle sighed before getting up yawning and stretching "Hey Hopper I think I'll go home, and umm... go to the Wheelers" Maybelle hesitated to mess with the sleeves of her hoodie

Hopper pulled her into a hug "Sure thing" Hooper softly replied Maybelle left the clinic and went back to Hopper's truck to get her bike in the back.

Maybelle discarded her bike on the ground before going to the back door of the Wheeler's Basement knocking before entering

Without saying she entered seeing eleven messing with a walkie-talkie and the boys grouped in a circle around her Dustin put his pointer finger to his lip to shush her Maybelle could only roll her eyes before sitting down beside him.

"I know Wills is alive, he's out there somewhere all we have to do is find him" Mike desperately tried to convince them "Mike" Maybelle called to him softly.

  "El needs a stronger radio" Mike explained  "Mr.Clark Heathkit ham shack" Dustin confirmed       "The Heathkit at school there is no way we're gonna get the weirdo in there without anyone noticing"Lucas tried to reason "I mean look at her " the boys stared at El until El looked from the Walkie-talkie to the boys in confusion.

Lucas Dustin and Maybelle started looking through a bunch of boxes in the basement looking for something El could wear Maybelle pulled out a pale pink dress that was once's Nacy's Maybelle held it up to Lucas and turned to Dustin who had a messy blonde wig on his head the group laughed.

Maybelle shut Nancy's bedroom door, in one arm held the dress, and in the other the wig "Let's get ready".

Maybelle helped brush the wig out before placing it on El's head Maybelle smiled through the reflection of the mirror "You look beautiful" Maybelle Promised  El pointing to Maybelle's reflection "Beautiful" El stated.

Maybelle was wearing an Emerald green sweater with a black jacket with dark blue jeans Maybelle Chuckled at the compliment.

the girls left the room seeing the boys waiting outside the door  Maybelle "Wow" Dustin "She looks pretty" Mike whispered Maybelle couldn't help but chuckled.

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