"Hey Prof. Oak, Shayla, Kurama. How are you doing?" Cora asked.

"Cora, good to see you," Prof. Oak greeted, "Kurama morphed into a Muk and smothered me in a hug and Shayla was able to get him off me."

Kurama held its arms out to Cora, and she gave Kurama a hug, "Good to see you too, Kurama. Have you been behaving?"

Kurama rubbed his paws together nervously. Cora placed her hands on his paws, "Next time, be careful of your pranks. You don't want to hurt anyone and cause damage to the lab, do you?"

Kurama shook his head which Cora smiled and petted his head again. Shayla came over to Cora and held her arms out.

Cora smiled and gave her a hug as well, "Good to see you as well, Shayla. Have you been helping the Prof. Oak?"

Shayla nodded, "Clefable. Clef Clefable Clef. (I have. I like helping him.)" She replied.

"Shayla and your other Pokémon have helped me a lot, Cora. They seem to like helping me for some reason. But I'm glad that they're helping." Prof. Oak complimented.

"I'm glad." Cora smiled.

"He's really real!" Tracey smiled with excitement, "It's certainly an honor to finally meet you, Prof. Oak."

"Well, it's nice to meet you too, Tracey." Prof. Oak greeted, "Oh and by the way Brock, Prof. Ivy sends her best regards."

Brock instantly got and crouched down while hugging his knees with depression lines over him.

"What's wrong?" Prof. Oak asked, confused.

"You really don't want to go there." Alain warned with a sweat drop on his forehead.

Kilala jumped onto Prof. Oak's shoulder, and he petted her head, "Why hello there, Kilala. How are you?"

Kilala smiled, "Espeon!"

"Prof. Oak, would you be interested in looking through my sketches?" Tracey asked.

"Of course Tracey, I'll check them out later, but first, Cora, I would like you to meet someone." Prof. Oak said.

"Who?" Cora blinked as Kilala jumped back onto her shoulder.

"Follow me." Prof. Oak led the group to another room. There they saw a woman with long blonde hair and green eyes. Cora recognized this woman.

"This is Lusamine. She's the head of the Aether Foundation." Prof. Oak introduced.

Brock instantly held Lusamine's hand and knelt down in front of her, "Gorgeous and brilliant! Is there anything you can do to stir this empty feeling in my lonely heart?"

Misty grabbed Brock's ear and pulled him away, "Stupid is what you are, Brock."

"OW! The ear!" Brock yelped.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Cora. Prof. Oak has told me a lot about you." Lusamine greeted, changing the subject.

"Pleasure to meet you as well, Lusamine." Cora greeted back, "Uh not to be rude, Lusamine, but could you tell us more about the unknown Pokémon I rescued when I was training for the Indigo League?"

"Of course." Lusamine accepted.

Cora explained to the others about the unknown Pokémon she had rescued when traveling the Kanto Region which was Type: Null. Lusamine explained why Type: Null was created: to defeat Ultra Beasts which were creatures from another dimension that very few times had entered their world and caused destruction. If the Alola Regions Island Guardians hadn't come when they did, who knew what further destruction they would have caused. So Type: Full was created to fight against them. But when all three violently rejected the RKS system, the creations were deemed a failure and had control masks put on them and then were sealed away.

[2] The Daughter of Nurse Joy: Adventures in the Orange IslandsWhere stories live. Discover now