Chapter 23

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The heartbeat works together with the hormones in the human body. When the human have a feeling, be it excitement, anger, fear or so on, it produces a hormone which results to the beating of the heart, whether slow, steady or fast.

And as Dosha's heart made her human,  she felt the continuous rhythm of nervousness, anxiety, bitterness, anger, voidness and many more in it.

'Be calm.' She placated herself, inhaling and exhaling deeply. That helped her, as part of her feelings disappeared.

The dusty wind blew past her dry face, swaying some part of her veil and revealed much of her face, but she cared not. Part of her attention were focused ahead of her.

Dosha moistened her chapped lips and alighted her horse, holding the rein, pulling her all the way to the palace. She looked at each and every corner of lands, trees, soil, houses, men, women, children, animals, scrutinizing everywhere her eyes reached.



All the people were distant, the air was thick to even breath in. Women and girls carried baskets, children, livestock or strapped goods on their shoulders, men were with tools, heavy equipments and donkeys, they all had somber looks on their faces. Children were playing innocently, not knowing what was amiss.

This wasn't how she knew the empire. The streets used to be full with life and action. It looked almost empty. The town square and marketplace were also dry, just few sellers and buyers.

She noticed some people running to a particular house and also saw some women wailing outside the house. The almost lifeless body of a woman was being carried and rushed to another house, they brushed past her and Bizo. Little children were trailing behind them, crying.

"I pray Mmani (Mother) is going to be okay." A teary girl prayed, running in the direction of where the woman was rushed to.

She watched the scenario. "Was this how it was when I was born?" Dosha asked.

"Hmmm! Worse than this, you wouldn't want to imagine." He answered. She swallowed dry.

They proceeded, people greeted them, they greeted back. She was glad that no one recognised her. Who was she kidding? How would they recognise someone who was caged in the palace's walls?

The path to the palace was neither a smooth nor rough patch for as long as she can remember, but observing it, it was smoother. She was never allowed out of the palace so, sneaking out was the other option for the girl.

In her wildest dreams, never did she had the slightest thought that she would come back to the Kingdom again.

She watched two girls who were about nine years having a combat.

The first one wanted landing the second a blow and the second one caught the hand, backed her and break the arm using the opportunity to flip her over her shoulder, but the first one didn't give up, she twisted her legs between the second one's legs and knocked her down, using her left leg to hold the second girl to the ground.

'A good move.' She thought. Atleast, that kept her mind off the sad scenarios. The girls noticed her admiring them, they stood up waving at her. She waved back, smiling.

She wasn't expecting her heart to be so calm when the palace came to view; the magnificent wall and gate, alongside the guards doing their job. She tightened her hands on the rein and breathed deeply, ready for anything coming her way.

"I am with you." Bizo assured, holding her hand. He knew it was going to be hard for her.

She nodded, tightening her grip on his hand. They approached the gate and she didn't fail to look at the house adjacent to the palace.

Empress DoshaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon