Chapter 27

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Salaam Dosha

How are you doing in a few words? How are things going on for you? It has been a while. I really miss you, I really really do. You know you are the only true friend I have ever had my entire life.

Well, many things have happened while you were away, interesting, boring and sad. Hadiza got married and surprisingly, she invited me over to Durawa. She has changed her attitude. They were some kind of news about Haidar but I haven't confirmed it yet.

When next I see you, I have many gists for you. I really miss you, that is why I am sending you this letter.

I am going to send this to you through the palace, infact, through the King so it would meet you safely.

I hope you are reading this smiling, because I smiled and kind of got emotional too. I look forward to your reply. My regards to your uncle, my brothers are also sending their regards.

How is the weather over there? I swear, it is so cold here. There is also a blinding fog for some days up till now. Please, keep warm for me. See you soon.

Allah Hafiz.

"Oh God! Bless this soul for me." She prayed, cleaning the stray tear on her cheek. It really felt so good that someone missed her and even sent her a letter. It made her feel special. She read it over and over again.

She now understood why the seal of the letter looked familiar. When they were in Nikatau's camp, she saw Rashid receiving and sending letters, using this seal. The seal was made in a kind of way that professionals can only open it or just give up and shred. She saw him many times opening the seal and learnt that it was a sign that if seen, everyone would know it is from the Kingdom. She also learnt how to open it, secretly.

In a way, this was Rashid, even though he didn't send anything handwritten, he was secretly saying that he was fine. And it was delivered through Bizo, that was a clear sign. "So he knew I saw him opening this seal secretly." She smiled, folding back the papers.

"Everything is going smoothly I see, good job. Accolades to you and your husband." A voice said from just outside her room. It was Sugaama. How could she forget that loud but sweet voice?

"Thank you, Sugaama." Jasrah replied. It was a general name everyone refer her as. The door creaked open revealing Sugaama and Jasrah, "There you are. Nadir said you came in for a rest but I am sorry it isn't going to happen. Your grandmother is here."

Dosha adjusted her posture, motioning towards Sugaama. The woman grinned. "There is the woman herself," She knelt down and greeted her, "Get up dear! Bless you. You have really grown. So beautiful and all. Come here!" She pulled her in a comforting hug.

"It has been a long while Sugaama, welcome." Dosha replied, releasing the hug, "You look like you are getting younger by the year, you are looking pretty." She complimented, earning a look from her.

"Do you believe me now? I told her the exact same thing." Jasrah said.

"Thank you to both of you. Having a very good peace of mind is one of my secrets," She placed her hand on Dosha's shoulders. "You know, you are the talk of the town. Mostly from the men. I mean, you have really succeeded and which well to do man in his right sense wouldn't want to have you? You have all the features, beauty, sense, body...." She was saying, turning her around for a good look.

"No mother, not now. You just came, you know!" Jasrah interrupted.

"Are you planning on marrying me off?" Dosha asked confusedly.

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