"I was actually going to guess Team Rocket." Ash commented.

"You're probably right on that too." Alain agreed.

"They're actually Pokémon Poaching Pirates." A woman's voice corrected.

"Huh?" The gang turned around.

"Officer Jenny." Cora said.

"Um, did you say pirates?" Tracey asked.

"That's right. You see this Island is supposed to be a Pokémon No Capture Zone, but we've received reports that pirates have been poaching wild Pokémon just offshore." Officer Jenny explained.

"Pirates? Like the ones in books?" Misty asked.

"Yes, but this Pirate is different. We call the lead pirate Captain Crook and his crew go around areas where Pokémon are not allowed to be captured and then they catch that Pokémon to sell them at a tremendous price."

"Those-" Cora bit her lips to prevent herself from swearing. "It's no wonder those Lapras' were immediately trying to get away from us."

"How are we going to help them?" Misty asked.

"Well for starters," Cora said, "We should look for the Lapras pod before they do."

"But Cora, those Lapras will be scared of us." Tracey pointed out.

"Maybe so, be we've got to do something." Cora stated. 

"Besides we promised Lapras we would reunite him with his pod again." Ash pointed out.

Then Cora turned to the video phone, "Prof. Oak, can you give me Scylla, Neptune, Rory, Daisho and Chrystal? We're gonna need some help."

Prof. Oak nodded, "[Right away.]"


Mairin was left behind with Nurse Piper Joy to keep her safe. Right now, Cora, Alain, Ash, Misty and Tracey were out on the ocean to find the Lapras pod.

"Do you think that the pirates Officer Jenny told us about will appear?" Tracey asked.

"I think they will," Alain replied, "with a Lapras pod around here, what kind of poacher wouldn't?"

"Not to worry," Cora assured them, "I got Rory, Scylla, Neptune, Daisho and Chrystal from Prof Oak's lab. So if those pirates do come, I'll show them no mercy."


"Lap!" Lapras was startled from the sudden sound.

"What was that?" Tracey gasped.

Alain looked through the binoculars and saw a ship, "Bad news. The pirates found the Lapras Pod and is attacking them not only with cannons but with a school of Tentacruel as well." He explained.

"Lapras, full speed ahead!" Ash ordered.

"Lappp!" Lapras swam as fast as he could, towards the pirate's ship.

"Rory, Scylla, Neptune, Daisho, Chrystal, and Nuri!" Cora called out the atrocious dragon, shellfish, shiny atrocious, formidable, crystal snake and shiny flame Pokémon.

"Nuri, can you give Tracey a ride to go get help?" Cora asked.

Nuri nodded and Tracey jumped onto Nuri's back, "Be careful you guys." he said to them, before flying off.

Cora and the others headed towards the Lapras pod who were surrounded by the Tentacruel's. They came up towards the side of the ship and heard Captain Crook say that it was time to catch them.

[2] The Daughter of Nurse Joy: Adventures in the Orange IslandsWhere stories live. Discover now