Chapter 18: Anxious Over Nothing

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(A/n: Chapter 18 I hope you guys enjoy ;3)

~ Solar Eclipse's POV ~

I quote on quote "wake up" the next morning with a groan. I was slumped down the chair with my arms crossed and over chest and my head slightly tilted to the right. Even my rays were partially retracted into my head.

It took me a while to properly wake up but I still checked the time on the little computer in my arm seeing it was 7am. I had some how woken up an hour before the daycare would even be open.

Like I'm not even a morning person so this was odd. Especially since I'm also not even a proper daycare attendant really because I'm horrible with kids. I guess the Sun part of me made me wake up earlier than I normally would for some reason and today specifically

Either way I look over at the couch to see that Luna was still asleep. I knew I had to meet up with Lunar today and Luna said I had to do it alone.

So with that in mind I sat up in the chair and stretched waking myself up a little more. After that my rays fully popped out one by one making a quiet clicking sound each.
(A/n: idk I like to imagine that's what sound Sun and Eclipse's rays make as they pop out or retract x3)

Anyway once I was awake I rub my eyes then quietly leave the room and head to the theater to see if I could get my brother back.

I was doing fine the whole way there in fact I felt confident. However as soon as I got to the door of Fazbear Theater all my confidence completely left me within a second. It was replaced with not just nervousness but complete anxiety.

In fact I was so anxious I started pacing back and forth and got my first ever full blown anxiety attack. It was something I never thought I could get but did. I couldn't breath and basically felt like dying. I even somehow had the feeling of a heart racing when I don't have one none of us do we're machines.

I was so focused on my anxiety that I didn't even notice Luna had come down here

Glamrock Luna: "Solar! There you are. I was wondering where you went."

Solar(Eclipse): .....

Glamrock Luna: "Solar?"

Solar(Eclipse): ....

Glamrock Luna: "Oh shit. He's having an anxiety attack"

With that she hurried to my side and grabbed my wrists.

Glamrock Luna: "Hey, hey. Look at me, Look at me Solar. It's ok, you're ok. I'm here... just breathe. Deep breath in deep breath out."

Solar(Eclipse): *says in a quick way* "W-What's happening to me! Wh-What is this feeling... I-I can't! I-I don't! I-I feel sick! I-I have pressure in my chest and c-can't breath!"

Glamrock Luna: "I'll tell you later, just try to calm down"

Solar(Eclipse): "I Can't!"

Glamrock Luna: "It's ok, it's ok. Deep breath in and deep breath out. Just try it if you can it will help"

With that I try taking her advice and was somewhat able to. In fact it actually helped a lot. She helped a lot

Glamrock Luna: "There that's it, just like that... In and out. I get that you're incredibly anxious about seeing Lunar but just listen to me it will be alright I promise you that. Just keep telling yourself nothing bad will happen because that's the truth"

Her voice was actually calming me somehow. In fact she was actually able to regulate my breathing

Glamrock Luna: "Better?"

Solar(Eclipse): "W-What happened to me... I-I've never felt like that before. And I'll tell you one thing... it didn't feel good at all"

Glamrock Luna: "That's what you call an anxiety attack. It could've also became a panic attack as well now that I think about it"

Solar(Eclipse): "If so, how did you..."

Glamrock Luna: "Sun gets both anxiety attacks and panic attacks quite often so I'm kinda use to these things happening. So when they do I know exactly what to do."

Solar(Eclipse): "Makes sense. But how did you know I was here?"

Glamrock Luna: "Lucky guess"

Solar(Eclipse): ....

Glamrock Luna: "No really I kinda had a hunch that you'd be here"

Solar(Eclipse): "How?"

Glamrock Luna: "I woke up and saw that you weren't at my vanity anymore. I then remembered telling you that you had to met up with Lunar without me. So because of that I kinda just figured you'd be here since Lunar sleeps in Fazbear Theater and you know that from our conversation with Sun and Moon when I reintroduced you to them yesterday"

Solar(Eclipse): "Ah, makes sense"

Glamrock Luna: "Anyway, Lunar should be up now... I mean he knows he has to run the daycare with me and Sun. Little does he know he's getting a break to talk with his "long time no see" older brother. Anyway the daycare opens in... *checks time*... fuck! In less than 30 minutes! I have to get my tail down there! I'm sorry Solar!"

She was then about to run off but I call her back

Solar(Eclipse): "Wait!"

Glamrock Luna: "Yeah..."

Solar(Eclipse): "What about me! Could you at least say something! I'm nervous as fucking hell to talk with him"

Glamrock Luna: "Solar, you'll do fine. Just trust me."

Solar(Eclipse): "But..."

Glamrock Luna: "You got this. Now I'm sorry but I really gotta bounce. See ya later Solar!"

With that she takes off at full sprint down to the main floor of the daycare once again leaving me alone.

So with that I take a deep breath thinking to myself "You got this Solar. It's just Lunar, what's the worst that could happen." I then push open the doors to Fazbear Theater and enter inside

Another chapter done. Sorry it's been a day or 2 since I last updated. The reason why is because to be honest I wasn't in the mood to write yesterday at all. Anyway other than that next chapter is the one y'all have been waiting to see. It's the chapter that Solar finally sees Lunar again. However keep in mind next chapter might be the last because when I originally wrote these as oneshots I never thought past the Solar and Lunar reunion. It seems that this book is gonna continue that way unless I somehow think of something to continue the story. Anyway with that being said I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter it was approximately 1155 words in all by the end of it so until next time...
"Stay Awesome, Stay Safe, Have A Great Day Wherever You May Be And Remember I Love You All And I Will See You Guys Escalater Peace Out My Pups" ;3

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