Chapter 17: Will He Even Take Me Back?

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(A/n: Look, I know what the chapter is called but this isn't the chapter where Lunar and Solar are reunited at least not yet. So with that being said I hope you guys enjoy ;3)

~ Glamrock Luna's POV ~

As we were heading back to my greenroom I could tell Solar was off about something

Glamrock Luna: "Something's bothering you isn't it"

Solar(Eclipse): "No..."

Glamrock Luna: "Sol, I've been friends with Sun and Moon for years long before Moon and I started dating, since heck before they even separated. So I can tell when something's wrong with them or they're alter-egos like you. So tell me what's on your mind"

Solar(Eclipse): "Nothing"

That's when I sigh and go around in front of him grabbing his arms below the shoulders stopping us both in our tracks

Glamrock Luna: "You can tell me what's wrong. I've basically been like the therapist for Sun and Moon as of late aside from Monty. So please tell me"

Solar(Eclipse): *sighs* "Do you really think Lunar will accept me back?"

Glamrock Luna: "Of course. What makes you think that he won't?"

Solar(Eclipse): "Because of all of what I did to him... I abused him... treated him like crap. And so much more that I can't even put into words. He has trauma from me and I don't know... I'm just... I'm just scared... *starts choking up*... I don't want to be rejected again. In the past I've been rejected by Moon which started it all when he offed me as a part of his killcode. I was then rejected by Sun when he shunted me out. Lunar and Bloodmoon also both turned against me. I just... *wipes tears*... I just don't want to be rejected by Lunar again. When I found out Lunar turned against me for the very first time back in October it actually hurt the slightest bit. That's because it was when I actually started to realize I cared for him as a brother. It was after that fight we had where I physically hit him. I questioned if I should apologize but I didn't. I said he was just an idiot...*wipes tears again*... I always said that. Then as I rethought all my actions while mangled deep within the woods slowly dying it only hurt more as it sunk deeper in knowing Lunar turned against me. Left me just as everyone else did. If he still rejects me it will only cause even more pain than it did before" *chokes on a cry*

Glamrock Luna: "That's understandable... you've always had abandonment issues. I can see why you fear this"

As soon as he said that he actually broke and no longer fought back the tears

Glamrock Luna: "Hey, hey... look at me. It's ok. Like you said... you're scared. It's ok to be scared. You haven't seen Lunar in months and he's your actual brother. So it's understandable as to why you fear his reaction to you more than you did to either Sun or Moon's"

That's when Solar just went silent so I bring him into a hug making him break more. It's kinda funny with that affect I have when any of my friends are with me and are upset. I guess I really am seen as a Motherly figure.

I mean I do take after Roxanne and she's gotten so much more motherly to Gregory even without the maternity chip in her now. Honestly I'd say I'm even more motherly than her I always have been.

It's like being motherly has been integrated into my coding since the day I was built. It's why I started helping in the daycare when I was free. Meaning on days the main Pizzaplex wasn't open so we glamrocks weren't performing.

I swear I was the only glamrock that was basically built in a way where I ended up being part Glamrock looks wise but possibly part daycare attendant deep within my coding that is.

Either way I just held Solar till he had finally calmed down enough.

Solar(Eclipse): "I just... I just don't know how he'll react to me"

Glamrock Luna: "I know, and that's why it's scary. I understand that"

Solar(Eclipse): .....

Glamrock Luna: "But hey... look at me..."

I then pull away from the hug and place my hands on Solar's cheeks while I looked directly up at him.

Glamrock Luna: "When you go to that theater tomorrow to meet up with Lunar, he will definitely accept you as a brother again. Just be genuine about your apology. Show him that you genuinely care so much about him... tell him the truth like you just did me even if it makes you cry like it did. Heck even if it does make you cry then that will make it even better because then he'll actually see that you're not lying and are genuine about caring so much about him. Believe me, that's all Lunar wants."

Solar(Eclipse): "O-Ok..."

Glamrock Luna: "Now...*wipes away his tears with her thumbs*... Come on it's getting late. We both need rest."

Solar(Eclipse): "Ok"

With that I let go of Solar and we started heading back to my greenroom. Once there Solar once again speaks up

Solar(Eclipse): "You're coming with me to the theater to reunite with Lunar tomorrow right?"

Glamrock Luna: "No"

Solar(Eclipse): "What?"

Glamrock Luna: "No, I'm not"

Solar(Eclipse): "Wh-Why"

Glamrock Luna: "Reuniting with Lunar is something you have to do alone. I'll walk down to the daycare with you yes but I will not be entering the theater."

Solar(Eclipse): ....

Glamrock Luna: "I want you to do it alone. Lunar is YOUR brother. You have to mend the relationship on your own even if it's scary to you. It's something that should be just between you and him. You can understand that right"

Solar(Eclipse): "Y-Yeah"

Glamrock Luna: "Good. Plus I have to help out in the daycare with Sun especially since Lunar won't be there since he's gonna be talking with you and who know how long that will take"

Solar(Eclipse): "I guess"

Glamrock Luna: "Now, we should both get some rest. You can use my recharge station"

Solar(Eclipse): "My battery is somehow still at 97% I don't drain quickly as you probably know from dealing with me all October. Meaning I can go for about another 24 to possibly even 36 hours without a full recharge. You can rest though, I'll just sit at your vanity and enter rest mode to conserve power."

Glamrock Luna: "No, I'll take the vanity you can take my couch. Even if you're not low I still want you to be comfortable"

Solar(Eclipse): "That's sweet, but I'm fine. It's your room you take your couch. I won't take no as an answer"

Glamrock Luna: "I... heh... fine. You can take the vanity if you're insisting to. I don't feel like arguing about it"

He then gives me a smile and sits in the chair. I then see him rest his arm on my vanity and his cheek on his hand. He then shuts down entering rest mode or battery conservation mode. Which makes him appear as sleeping when in reality unlike charging he'll easily wake up when he wants to.

Seeing him in that mode made me chuckle I then turn out the light and head to my couch. Once there I lay on my couch and fall asleep myself

Another chapter done. Anyway the chapter y'all are waiting for with Solar being reunited with Lunar is coming up soon. It won't be next chapter but the one after next chapter most likely. Also a quick heads up when I was writing this as Oneshots I never really thought past the Lunar and Solar being reunited so I might end the book after that unless I can think of something to continue the story so just keep that in mind. Anyway with that being said I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter it was approximately 1391 words in all by the end of it so until next time...
"Stay Awesome, Stay Safe, Have A Great Day Wherever You May Be And Remember InLove You All And I Will See You Guys Escalater Peace Out My Pups" ;3

~ A Guilty Homicide ~ : An Eclipse Redemption Arc (On Hold)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя