| 21 | If this was split into seasons, this would be the Season 1 Finale Part 2

Comenzar desde el principio

"Okay, but wouldn't it still be better to go somewhere else?" 

"I also have friends at Hexside, remember? And so do you! I think..." 

"Oh, allies!" Hunter gasped.

"Yes! But... we need to get there before sunrise. So we need to start going now."

/// /// ///

"This doesn't feel very legal," Hunter hissed. "What if we get caught?"

"I lived with Eda for months... I'm pretty sure I can pick a simple lock undetected." Sure enough, the door creaked open without any trouble. You stepped into the dark school and closed the door behind you softly. It still made a jarring sound in the silence of the empty building. "I'm gonna lock it back up now to avoid suspicion, then we'll get going," you said in a whisper despite no one being there to catch you.

"It's so... weird seeing a school after hours. I mean, it was weird seeing a school in general, but... This is... kinda nice."

"Yeah, I spent a lot of hours studying after school here," you murmured, reminiscing in the nostalgia of the dimly lit corridors and the way the sound of your footsteps bounced off the walls of the empty school.

"So... where should we hide?" Hunter asked as you pushed open the door to a classroom you thought you recognized. 

"I was thinking the old potions room, but... this is it, and I don't think it's the old potions room anymore. Everything seems like it was rearranged since I last went here..."

"Well, some things had to stay constant, right?" Hunter said hopefully.

"Yeah, it's not like they can just move the gym to the abomination homeroom or something..." you murmured. "But those rooms are frequently visited..." At the end of the hallway, something covered in caution tape caught your eye. "There!" you gasped, pulling Hunter forward. You were a bit surprised to see that the auditorium hadn't been fixed since what you assumed was the basilisk incident.

"You sure this will be okay?" You could tell that Hunter was just as nervous as you were with all the questions he was asking, but you knew he was trying to hide it, just like you were.

"Yeah, for sure! It's under construction right now, but it's been under construction for a really long time, so I'm pretty confident no one actually works on it."

"Alright..." Hunter followed you into the room and you cast a light spell. Let's see what we have to work with...

"We can stay behind the curtains there," you said, pointing across the room toward the stage. You jogged up toward the stage, almost tripping on the last step. "And if we push... this..." you began putting all you had into sliding a stack of crates across the stage and toward the curtain. "We can block the gap, then just enter through the curtain."

"Okay... but what about food?" Hunter asked.

"We still have time to collect stuff before class begins and people arrive. Do you remember your way around the school?"

"A little bit..."

"Do you remember where the healing homeroom is?"

"Yeah, I do," Hunter confirmed.

"In the healing homeroom's storage closet, they have padding and pillows they use to cover the cots. You can grab a couple of those for something better than the floor to sleep on while I get snacks with the snails I have left over."

"Alright... I'll grab the stuff and come right back..." Hunter murmured seemingly more to himself than to you.

"Me, too."

(HIATUS) Prodigies Against the Throne // Hunter x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora