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Sky was full of stars,cold wind was blowing like a wave,trees were sleeping with a peaceful sound,only sound of air couldn’t hear....And in that environment,two boys were sitting side by side with new feelings towards each other...

Some mintues went after the heartiest confession...Taehyung and Jungguk broke their first hug a while ago...Jungguk was sitting with red crimson cheeks where Taehyung was sitting with jumping heart....Taehyung was so happy that nobody can imagine....Jungguk was so shy that nobody can believe he was the first one to confess....Taehyung was listing all the things that he wanted to do with Jungguk in his brain...But wait......Taehyung stopped his listing for a question.....Jungguk confessed his feelings that mean he was Taehyung's boyfriend right????Taehyung thought....But he didn’t propose Jungguk for being his boyfriend....He should do it or else somebody could take Jungguk away from him....

"Uhhh" Taehyung broke the silence....

Jungguk didn’t look at him...He just moved his body to show Taehyung that he was listening....

"I know this place is not suitable for which I am going to ask...Also everybody do many things for this but right now I have nothing to give you.....But I have my heart...Jungguk will you take care my heart which only beat for you with my feelings???

Will you my boyfriend???" Taehyung said with his jumping heart....

Jungguk felt like his kneels were getting down because of Taehyung's words...Taehyung asked him to be his boyfriend...Jungguk never be in relationship...Also if he say yes Taehyung would be his first boyfriend....In Jungguk's heart,he wanted to say yes...But Jungguk was new for all of this....He was nervous to take the decision...But Taehyung asked first...If Taehyung wasn’t serious for Jungguk then Taehyung never came at this hour just because of he called Taehyung....Jungguk knew Taehyung was honest to him....He also had strong feelings for his sunbae...So he wanted to take a chance...

Taehyung saw Jungguk was not answering....He thought maybe he asked too much...After all,Jungguk was new for all of this...

"Uhh...Sorry...I know I asked you too much...It's okay...Don't take stress....We are fine like thid....Don't be uncomfortable" Taehyung said...

Jungguk looked at him and saw how caring Taehyung was....How could he say "No" to this person???

"N-No...I-It's not that....I-I am just nervous...I am also scared if Jisung sunbaenim again come to you..." Jungguk said...

"Forget about him....If he come he will leave with his dead body..." Taehyung said in his as usual rude tone...

"D-Don't say like that..." Jungguk said and looked at Taehyung with caring eyes...

"Don't be nervous and scared....I am with yoy amd I will always be with you...I promise you...You don't know what you did to me...If I will not with you whole day you will see me in front of you at the end of the day...If I stay far away from you yoh will still hear my voice at the end of the day....I asked you to be my boyfriend because I don't want anyone to take you away from me....I just can't bother that...I just want you to be mine..." Taehyung said all of the words while staring at Jungguk....

Jungguk giggled....Cutely giggled...And Taehyung fallen harder of Jungguk hearing his giggle....

"What??" Taehyung said curiously...

"Aniyo....I-I didn’t thought you will say to me these..." Jungguk said and looked at the ground shyly..

Taehyung smiled...He moved from his place and sat in front of Jungguk....

"So will you be my boyfriend??" Taehyung said in the soft tone which immediately touched Jungguk's heart.....

Jungguk nodded shyly but still looking down....Taehyung's smile got bigger...Finally he did it....Finally Jungguk said yes....Finally they would be together....

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