Where are you?

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Jungguk was putting the bandage on his forhead...After seeing Taehyung leave,Jungguk stopped crying...Before his driver came he thought that he should put the bandage on his forhead..He already thought about the answer when his parent would ask him after seeing the scratch...When he was done,he saw his driver was coming....

"Young master how did you get the scratch??" Driver asked...Jungguk's driver was working in their house about 10 years...He saw Jungguk when Jungguk was little child..He liked Jungguk as his son..And Jungguk also liked him...Jungguk never misbehaved with him or another worker in his house...That's why everyone loved their young master.....

"It's nothing uncle..I got slipped with a stone..And I fall...So I got it..." Jungguk lied...He knew if he told truth his father would ruin everything at the school...So he better kept quiet....

"Are you sure young master??"

"Yes..Don't worry..Let's go..." Jungguk smiled to him...Then they went to the car and headed to the house....

When Jungguk entered to his house his parents were already there and looking like they were discussing something...Jungguk slowly walked to them because he knew what he would get after they would see him.....

"Oh God!!!!Ggukah how did you get this??Are you alright son????What happened???" Mrs.Jeon bagan to cry after seeing Jungguk....

"Son,how did this happen??Any accident??Are you hurt anywhere else?? " Mr.Jeon said and was looking Jungguk's body if he got any other scratch....

"Mom...Dad...I am alright...Don't worry...I got slipped with a stone and I fell down...Nothing happened beside it...Please don't cry mom.." Jungguk wiped his mother's tears..He couldn’t see anyone's cry....

Then Mr.Jeon looked at Jungguk's cheek which was red...He touched his cheek and caressed it...
"Why are your cheek so red??"

Jungguk got nervous...He thought how he could say that someone slapped him and that's why his cheek was red...He took his father's hand on his hand and looked at him...

"Dad..It's because of my fallen...I said don't worry..If you are worrying like this then I will not talk with you.." Jungguk pouted... He knew it was his last thing to try his parents believe....

"Aishhhh...Don't pout..You look ugly..." His father dramatically said...He knew his son looked cute whenever he would pout...

"Then you are ugly because I am your son.." Jungguk said and giggled...His parents also laughed...After family chat his mother changed his bandage...He went to his room and changed his school dress...Then he sat on the bed and looked at the sky beside the window...His eyes filled with water...He hold his tears for many hours so that his parents couldn’t find out...He felt really sad after the incident....Whenever he thought that Taehyung was really good,Taehyung did something then and Jungguk proved wrong...He didn’t know what was his fault..Just because he wanted to be friend with Taehyung he received slap as a answer....He would never again try to be friend with Taehyung...He would never see him again...But he didn’t know his wish might be true this time.............

(Time skip)

Jungguk didn’t go to school next day...Because he didn’t want to go..First of all his friend Jimin was not there and secondly after yesterday's incident Jungguk just wanted to be spend some time alone...When in the morning his mother came to wake him up for the school he told that he had headache...His mother thought because of the scratch he had headache...So she told him to rest......

At the school,Taehyung was looking for Jungguk unintentionally...Well,yesterday when he saw Jisung with Jungguk he felt confuse...He also saw Jungguk was looking at him and might be he had scratch on his forhead...But Taehyung didn’t go to him because he already messed up with his mind and heart...But when he came school today he just wanted to see Jungguk one time...But the younger was not there...Taehyung thought maybe something happend yesterday and that's why Jungguk didn’t come...What did Jisung do with Jungguk????This question was roaming in Taehyung's head....

Taehyung walked to the basketball court where Jisung was playing... Taehyung had a blank face..Jisung saw him and smiled to him....He also walked to Taehyung..Now they were standing face to face...

"Taehyung I know you are angry with me..Please forgive me for my behaviour...I was stressed about something and I screamed at you for that...Please Taehyung forgive me...Get back together..." Jisung said.....

"What did he do with the boy after yesterday school break??" Taehyung said in his deep voice.....

"Huhh...What are you talking about??Here I am talking about us and you are asking for someone??" Jisung felt insult....

"I asked something and give me my answer" Taehyung again said in his deep voice..

"Ohhh I remember you are talking about that junior...He bothered you right??I know you didn’t like when someone bother you...So I taught him a lesson..Just a slap..Nothing else..." Jisung said proudly...

"It's my personal matter when someone bother me or not...I will decide what should I do...You are not..." Taehyung replies...He was angry because Jisung's words...But he didn’t know why....

"I am your boyfriend Taeh" Before Jisung said Taehyung cut his words..

"You are not...Didn't you say you are pissed about this relation???Keep remember that...And I don't get back with someone who is nothing to me..." Taehyung said and turned back to go.....Jisung was fuming with anger because all the students were there looking at him........

When Taehyung came back to home after school he saw all the maids were doing work hurriedly...Looked like someone was coming....He looked at Seokjin who was coming from the kitchen...Seokjin saw Taehyung and walked to him...

"You came Taehyungah...Do you want to eat something??" Seokjin said sweetly...

"No.." Taehyung replied him with no emotion....Seokjij was used to Taehyung's answer...

"Well you know someone's coming to our home...So everyone became busy...Appa told me to say that you should be home for that..." Seokjin said....

Taehyung didn’t reply him and walked towards stairs to go to his room.....

"I wish the day soon come that you will talk to me freely Taehyungah.... " Seokjin mumbled and again got busy with his work....

To be continue~~

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To be continue~~

(Helllloooo guys...I hope you are doing well....So I am very happy that you all are liking all the parts of this story...And you know you are so intelligent to guess the mission's answer....And I wish that you would help me in my project...I am so busy with my project...Whenever I got time I wrote this part...Thank you for all of your sweet messages which you inboxed me...

What do you think who will come to Taehyung's house???

Why did Taehyung want to see Jungguk???

Tell me in the comment💜)

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