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The dinner went well...Kims and Jeons had a great day together...Jungguk and his family came to their house and went to their respective room....After freshing up,Jungguk finally layed down on the bed and remembered thet whole evening with Taehyung...At the dinner Jungguk noticed Taehyung didn’t talk much with Seokjin and Namjoon...He felt they had less contact with each other...

Taehyung always talked with his father when older asked something..Beside it Taehyung was just there like a third person...Why was he like that in his own house???Jungguk thought...Then he shrugged it off because he remembered the moment of his and Taehyung....Taehyung cleared the misunderstanding and Jungguk was happy for that....

"But why did Sunbae tell me to not to other Sunbae???What's wrong with that??Sunbae was not that bad like what other said about him...He also told me he didn’t other Sunbaenim to slap me....But why did other Sunbaenim tell me that??Though Sunbae cleared the things but I have to stay away from him..." Jungguk told to himself and went to his dreamland.....

(Time skip)

Jungguk was having 4th class...He was missing Jimin...Jungguk was alone from the beginning...He was shy and hesitant to talk with others..But when Jimim came to his life he became free to Jimin...So doing class together,going library together,having lunch together,going to school gate together they were always beside each other...So no Jungguk was missing that days....He hoped Jimin would come soon...

The bell rang and now it was lunch break time...Jungguk didn’t have appetite to eat something...So he took his art things and went to the empty ground which was beside the basketball court...Jungguk sat under a tree and set his art things...He looked at around what he should art....He didn’t find exact thing to art...When he was looking around he saw Taehyung was playing with at the basket ball court...

He observed Taehyung...Taehyung's silver long hair which was tied with a bandana,brown eyes,sharp nose,wide shoulder,long hand....Taehyung's features were really good...Jungguk sae Taehyung closely before..He also that timesaw Taehyung's deep brown eyes which were really pretty...Jungguk came up an idea what to draw....But he decided that he would just give it a try...Just a try...Nothing else.....So he took his pencil and artbook..He began to draw the things which came to his mind...He was continuously drawing and erasing...Because it didn’t match the original one....When he was doing his job he didn’t know some eyes were on him....

After some minutes when Jungguk was busy to his,Jisung and his two friends came front of him...Jungguk looked up and saw them...He was scared...He hold his artbook tightly and stood up....

"Good afternoon Sunbaenim.." Jungguk remembered what Taehyung told him tk call others..Then he bowed...

"You are so clever....You are looking like innocent from your face but you are not.." Jisung said...

Jungguk was nervous... He didn’t know this time why Jisung came...He didn’t do anything to Taehyung...And Taehyung also told him that Jisung and Taehyung had nothing now....Then why was Jisung after Jungguk?????

"I-I don't understand Sunbaenim.." Jungguk said....

"Don't be so innocent...I know you told Taehyung about the incident before...You complained to him,didn’t you????Why do you want to come between of us??I didn’t see you before... Why do you show up now huh???" Jisung said and began to walk close to Jungguk..Jungguk was backing his steps...He didn’t want to get beaten again...And what Jisung said that were all false...He didn’t came between of them...He didn’t do anything....

"I-I..I.." Jungguk was almost to cry...His doe eyes were filling with tears...

"Just shut up!!!!You idiot..." Jisung was about slap Jungguk but....................

Someone hold his hand....Jungguk closed his eyes because of fear.....

"Don't do it this time Jisung.....If you have to say anything,say to me.....UNDERSTAND????"

Jungguk heard the voice and opened his eyes....Then he saw the deep eyes became red because of anger...And the red eyes owner was looking at Jisung with different aura.....The same aura Jungguk saw that time when the person came to his class and yelled at him.......

The person was none other than
Kim Taehyung.............

The person was none other than Kim Taehyung

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To be continue~~

(Hello guys.....First of all thank you to all of you for encouraging me for my exam and presentation...Like I said before it went well....So about the story did you like this part?? I know all of you are happy to read that Taehyung came to save Jungguk....But my question is what was Jungguk drawing????Do you know???Then tell me😌
And about next parts.....It will be fluffy and cute guys....So hold your breath for that part....Till then comment,share and like this part.....Borahae💜)

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