Chapter 41: New relationship

Start from the beginning

"Good, and I know you do, and that's okay even while in a relationship, it's okay to miss him. You will always miss him, the relationship you and Robert had wasn't just dating, you were in a serious relationship. You will miss him even when you get married and have children, thinking about the life you planned with Robert. Everything happens for a reason, and maybe that reason was that Robert wasn't the one you were supposed to be with. Robert's date of death had been written before he was even born, and we aren't supposed to question why."

"Thank you, Cynthia, for being so sweet. I know this must be hard for you as well. I'm sorry to bring up all these feelings about Robert for you."

"Oh, don't you even worry about that, dear. I like to reminisce and talk about him, it helps ease the hole in my heart."

"I know, and I am so sorry for your loss. I just want to say that you raised a true gentleman, he was always good to me. I pray that I never have to experience what you have by losing one of my children when I have them. I can't even imagine how hard that would be."

"I pray you never have to feel this pain either, it's the worst. I hope that everything works out with you and Tristan, and if so, make sure you send us a wedding invitation, we would love nothing more than to witness our son's wishes happen."

"Thank you, Cynthia seriously, thank you. Well, I have to be heading out I have to run by my grandparent's house before I head back to New haven. Once I get a place in Hartford, you will have to come for a visit. It was so good to see you, we will make plans for lunch next week. I love you, Cynthia."

"You are more than welcome, Rory, tell Emily and Richard we said hello. Yes, I will definitely come over for a visit. Yes, just call me, and we will get together. It was lovely to see you as well, dear. I love you, too, Rory." Rory got up and hugged her, then left. She sighed once she got to her car and couldn't help the tears as they fell from her eyes.

She drove to her grandparents, parked her car, and rang the bell. Emily answered and could tell Rory had been crying. Rory explained about her visit with Cynthia. She visited for a few minutes and told her about dating Tristan. 

Emily wasn't very happy with Rory moving on so fast after losing Robert just three months ago, but she didn't say anything she just wanted her to be happy. They visited for a little bit before Rory left. 

Rory started to drive back to New Haven but decided to take a detour by Tristan's office. She pulled up and walked inside, she walked up to the receptionist.

"Hello, I would like to speak to Tristan Dugrey."

"Do you have an appointment with, Mr. Dugrey?"

"Um, no, but I'm his..."

"Rory, hey babe, what are you doing here?" She turned and smiled as she looked at him as he made his way over to her. He kissed her and looked at the receptionist.

"Violet, this is Rory Gilmore, my girlfriend, she is to be sent straight to my office, no exceptions."

"Yes, sir, Mr. Dugray." He smiled and then led her to his office. He sat down and pulled her down in his lap. 

"This is a very nice surprise. So, what brings you into Hartford today?"

"Well, I went and talked to Cynthia today and let her know about us, and her response was okay, and we knew it would happen eventually. Robert also left them a letter which told them what his wishes were for us."

"Well, that's good that she was nice and understanding. So, what exactly did you tell her?"

"That we were dating, and we had been for a couple of weeks now. She told me they wanted an invitation to the wedding so that they could witness Robert's wishes come true."

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