Chapter 12: Sight seeing

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We walk the streets of Paris. Everyone seems happier, and nicer here. The whole world seems to stop, when we see the Eiffel Tower. I stop in my tracks staring up at the beauty of the Eiffel Tower. "Are you coming or what?!" Says Felicia looking impatient, yet still smiling. "Yeah I'm coming. I just never thought I'd be so close to something so beautiful." I say in reply as we walk to it. Felicia says that she and I need to take a picture in front of it, so we did. She says it'll be a good memory for her. "Are you that speechless that you just stand there and stare?" She asks. "Yeah, this is a once and a life time experience for me. I'm just taking in all of it's glory." I say in reply. "Well we can't just stand here all day. Paris is full of places to go, and people to see!" She says taking my arm, and dragging me along. "Okay so where we going now?" I say, as I release her from my arm. "Well I kinda thought we could go to a Museum called Musee D'Orsay." She says, as she pulls out her keys from her purse. "Sounds amazing!" I say, literally jumping for joy. "Okay okay calm down!" She says with a grin. We get in the car, and drive to the museum.

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