That night, both were so happy that their minds didn't even remember the problems they still faced in the outside world. It was as if they had been taken to another world where only joy and love existed. Every minute of that night was becoming more special than the minute before.

They continued dancing for a long time and it looked like they would never get tired. Bodies glued, seductive looks, touches and kisses made that dance provoke the desires that both had for the end of the night. But they didn't want to go into the home stretch so soon. They still had a lot to enjoy with everything Robert had planned.

One of the songs chosen by Andy was a little slow and they were dancing to the same rhythm, so they could admire not only their partner, but also the beauty that was in the moonlight. Andy looked up at the sky and again noticed how beautiful it looked.

Andy: I want to lie down on this mat you prepared. You really thought of everything. I need this moment to enjoy the sky with you.

Robert: I know you in every way my love. I know how much you love to contemplate nature, the sky, the stars. I knew you'd want to lie there and stare into the night.

Andy: Yeah, you know me so well. You know all the ways to please me. That night I have absolutely everything that makes me happy. You are incredible.

Andy walked towards the mattress and pulled Robert to lie down with her. Before going to mattress, Robert got a basket with chocolates and fruit and took it with him. As it was cold, they covered themselves and held each other under the covers, enjoying the company, the moment, the landscape.

Andy: I often find myself thinking about what my life would have been like if I hadn't gone on that New York trip. I did everything not to go.

Robert: Really?

Andy: Yes. I was supposed to go with my dad, but he wasn't feeling well. I didn't want to go alone. I thought it would be boring. I asked Jack to go in my place, but neither he nor my father agreed. I had no choices. But today I thank you for going and meeting you. It was the best thing that happened in my life.

Robert: It was your destiny. Our destiny. Nothing could stop our paths from meeting. When I left for Montana, I swore I would never go back to Seattle. And look where I am. Of the many women out there, I fell head over heels in love with a woman from Seattle. I found my happiness in Seattle. I found my happiness in you.

Andy turned to Robert and gave him a soft, slow, loving kiss. He hugged her tighter, bringing her body on top of his. As they exchanged kisses and affection, the atmosphere between them began to heat up.

Robert: Do you want to go inside?

Andy: Not at all. It's perfect out here.

Robert: It's cold.

Andy: And I know we're going to warm up quickly.

Robert: Absolutely.

Andy deepened her kiss, making it more and more intense. She removed Robert's blouse and began to run her fingers over his chest, while she kissed him around his neck. Robert had his hands inside her blouse and it gave her shivers. She alternated between kisses on his mouth, his body and words of love whispered in his ear.

Andy felt Robert's hand descending more and more and the heat she felt was already great, she removed her blouse herself, leaving only her bra on top of her body.

Robert: You are so beautiful.

Andy: You know how good it is to hear that from you?

Robert: And I can repeat it in several ways.

From one night to life Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin