Other than the disgusting food, she taught them all new words each day. She started off simple with the greetings then taught them how to have small conversations in Na'vi.

"Any cuss words in your language?" Lyle asked her. Sok'anya rolls her eyes in annoyance "You curse a lot in English already. What benefit you need to cuss in Na'vi?" She questioned which made Zdog and Ja hold back their laughter.

"Never mind" Lyle shakes his head. At least he knew a couple of curses in Spanish thanks to Lopez who taught him back in the days. Lopez smirks after rest his mug on the table "I could teach you some of my native tongue mami"

"What you speak?" She asked in curiosity. "Espoñal baby. You'll learn it quickly" Lopez winks at her. Being a flirt with the guest. (Edited 7/22)

"But you not know Na'vi quickly"

"This bitch " Lopez said in Spanish as he shook his head before picking up his mug again to take a sip of his drink while Lyle laughs. "Moron" Sok'anya mutters as she picks back at her remains of food. That's the one word she didn't teach them. Spider held back his laugh with the cup of water towards his mouth.

"What does skxqwng mean?" Ja asked her. She didn't reply to him which Ja just took the meaning as an insult. It wasn't towards him so he didn't push further for answer.

"By the way girlie, do you have any other weapons? I mean, I saw how you worked that whip and I was impressed" Praised Zdinarsk.

"I...I never use gun...or arrow...just my whip and my knife" Sok'anya slowly looks at her and soon she was looking at everyone else. "Why you want to know?" She asked nervously.

"Because if you are gonna be with us and teaching us your ways. You might as well learn from us too in case we aren't around you or your son" Zdog reasoned but

"I don't want gun. It's too loud and difficult to use" The Na'vi takes a bite of the granola bar that Mansk handed to her.

"You just pull the trigger and bam! Work is done. It's better for hunting too" Lyle explains in his own way which didn't convince her at all to consider a gun. Soon, Miles approached their table while getting halfway geared up.

"Alright everyone, let's get ready to roll"


After breakfast, they geared up and prepared to head over to the helicopter. Spider was the first one inside before the others and immediately sat behind a mounted gun machine and positioned it up, just fascinated by how big it is and even imagined taking every enemy out with this thing.

"Woah! Hold on there hot shot!" Miles moves the boy over to the next seat. "Alright now you listen up. There's a tracker built into that mask. We hit the ground and you take off? I'll have you back in two minutes and I will give you an old-school ass whippin'. Understood?"

Spider looks at him with annoyance before being shook slightly by Miles "Understood?" He repeats again. "Yes sir" Spider rolls his eyes as Miles let go of him. Sok'anya sat next to Spider and next to her was Mansk. She honestly didn't mind him. This man doesn't speak much of a word to her since they've met. If anything, conversations between them aren't very long.

"Strap in" Mansk reminded her. Sok'anya looks down seeing that she wasn't buckled in. "R-Right" she said and immediately made sure that she was strapped in tight. "As for you mama..." Miles goes over to her and attaches a black band bracelet around her wrist. "There's a tracker built in this. If you take off running, I'll have you back here and I will also give you the old school spankin'. Understood?"

Spider turns his head over at Miles with a "Really?"

"What is old school spankin'?" Sok'anya asked with a confused expression which made Lopez and Prager giggling in the background.

She looks so innocent...fuck...

Miles gulps "I-I'm not explaining it to you unless you wanna find out" That's when Lyle gladly butts in to explain it but in his own way of course. "He's basically going to bend you over his lap and slap your—"

"ALRIGHT CHOP CHOP!" Miles shouted as he leaned out the side of the chopper and slams one of his palm against the awning to tell the pilots to take off. Back to Lyle explaining the old school spanking, the Na'vi woman frowns. "It sound painful"

"Not really" Said Zdinarsk which caused almost the whole squad to look at her. Soon, the chopper took off into the sky. Sok'anya didn't like this flying transportation. She missed her Ikran and wonders if he's looking for her. Inhaling the nature air, she was just relieved to be outdoors and not inside where she needed a mask to not suffocate in air she didn't belong with. The ride wasn't bad as she thought but she preferred her Ikran. She noticed a 'W' tattooed on the neck of Lyle and asked him about it.

"Oh! Just my first initial of my last name! Wainfleet!"

"You love yourself a lot" Sok'anya didn't mean that in a mean manner it was more of a compliment.

"Hell yeah I do! The others love me just as much right guys?" The male turn over to the other Recoms.

"Yeah" The response was lame coming from everyone that Lyle had crossed his arms like a child "Fuck you guys"

"I think it's unique..." Sok'anya half smiles. She hoped that was the right word. "Thank you! At least the Na'vi appreciates me!" Lyle said.

At the corner of Miles eyes, he listens and sees how his team bonded well with Sok'anya. He was a bit jealous that whenever it came to him, Sok'anya was always cautious and didn't joke with him or even laugh with him. Hell, not even laugh at him. He knows that her and spider didn't fully have their trust but to be close like that? He didn't have that with her. Not only did he want to be close to his son but to Sok'anya as well.

I need to earn that trust. That's my only way of getting to Sully.

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