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A few days later after the crash, they Recoms camped out in on their own and made their own little Pod. Wasn't as stabled than the one they built before but it still kept them dry from the rain. It was nice to be free and not worry about carrying out duties. The RDA can suck it.

"Ay! Check this shit out Ja" Lopez peeks up from the bush and towards their old home. "Oh my god" Zdog covers her mouth as she looked around. "This is where we used to...live..." Prager felt many emotions going through him right now.

The bonfire they made was still in the same spot. Their Marui was still in good shape. Even the rest of their belongings are still there. Mansk went over to his hydra machine gun and smiles "It's been a while"

Zdog picked up Walker's headband that laid on top of her bag and tears up. Ja found the rest of his medical bag and sighed in relief. He didn't bring much with him to belong with. This was a blessing for him.

"Zdog? Prager?" Wainfleet had just got back from Hunting along with Quaritch. Everyone turned around and dropped whatever treasure they picked up from the ground. "LYLE! MILES!" Alicia cried out as she ran to them, hugging them both.

"Hey there Zdinarsk...we're okay..." Miles patted her back gently. Alicia was like a little sister to her. It broke his heart when she didn't respond over the comm that night of the battle. He's glad that she is back.

Lyle couldn't believe it "You guys...died. Your bodies I saw-"

"Well, General Ardmore brought us back. There are more Recoms too but we've taken care of them" Said Ja. Miles couldn't help but ask "What do you mean?"

"The goal was to find Sully out sea and capture him alive along with um...Sok'anya" Ja explained.

Miles shook his head in confusion. First, the general had told him that Sok and Spider weren't any used to her and now she wants not only Jake but Sok?

"She wants the baby..." Mansk looks at him. "I carried out the plan of crashing the helicopters so that we wouldn't fly out sea. She's not going anywhere near them"

Wainfleet placed a hand on his hip, "For now, how about later when she does send out more soldiers? We're all stuck here. Jake and his wife ain't gonna let us help"

"Our Ikrans...they must still be searching for us! My poor Bonita!" Lopez had his hands against his temples. Sok did say that Ikrans bond with one rider for life. Bonita must be lost without him.

Lyle clears his throat, "You're right. We'll travel on our Ikrans but...what exactly are we going to do when we uh...get there?" He looks at Quaritch. "I mean...I remember that there are hundreds of villages and Sok'anya can be in any one of them"

Miles pinched his nose bridge "Obviously we will search for her"

Prager gulps "You do remember that we uh...set a few islands on fire to find one person right? Those reef people aren't going to be welcoming us"

"I know" Miles said.

"So what's the plan?" Ja asked.

"Jesus fucking Christ...I don't know!" Miles raised his voice and turns his back. He shuts his eyes for a moment. Just for a moment as he kept holding tears back. He took a deep breath...and another breath. The Recoms can hear how frustrated and stressed their leader is. "I don't know how we're gonna do this. But I know one thing. I want her back...I just want my family back...that's all"

Sok'anya was currently making food wraps for her and Spider to eat for breakfast. When she lifted her head up she sees Neytiri standing by the entrance "Oh...Neytiri, come sit here" She welcomes her friend inside. Neytiri slowly stepped in and sat down in front of her watching the pregnant woman do her own thing.

Sok'anya felt kick in her tummy and giggles lightly as she placed a hand over her stomach. "It's getting easier day by day. I don't feel too much pain as before. She so active lately"

"It's a girl?"

"Yes" Sok smiles at her best friend and stuck her hand out "Would you like to feel?" She offers.

"No thank you"

Sok'anya slowly takes her hand back and continued finishing up making breakfast. She was a bit sad by her decline. "That demon...did you love him?" Here we go again.

Sok'anya sighed as she placed the food wrap aside and looks at her "I did love him. And...to tell you the truth I still love him"

"What did he do to make you love him?"

"Why does it matter to you?"

"Because I cannot believe that you mated with the man who is the reason my son is dead!"

"You weren't the one captured! You have no idea what it was like for me and my son. I did what I could to protect him from those sky people! Miles he...he is the one who protected Spider from their torture. He...he even protected me. That may have not been his true intention. I know that he was only trying to find Jake but we fell in love. When we mated for life, it was real. He did love me as much as I loved him—"

"Sister, that is enough. That demon...he does not love you. That demon never had a heart to begin with. He is a monster, don't you get it? And you taught that man how to ride the Ikran?"

"You know what?! I try so hard to be like you! All my life!" Sok'anya cried as she stood up from the floor holding her belly. "I...I thought I could change him...change all of them...I thought I could make him see. Just how you made Jake see"

"You are foolish for thinking you can change that man! He do not change one bit! He can never be redeemed! If he could, my son would be alive. And he wouldn't have chosen his mission over you!"

"We cannot talk about this anymore...please leave"

Neytiri got up from the floor walking towards her "Cause I speak the truth? You don't want to hear it?"

"Leave please..." Sok'anya stepped back.

"That man feels nothing for you or that baby and you still love him?"

"Stop...Neytiri leave please..."

"Or what?!" Neytiri growled at her as she looks her in the eye. "My family...my mate...even I have given you so much. How ungrateful can you be? I lost my son Sok'anya!"

"And now you are losing your mind! You cut my son! You have inflicted your anger and pain onto my child when it was not his fault!"

"He is not your child!"


Sok'anya upper lip twitches. She heard this many times by so many people already. Did it have to come out the mouth from the one woman she used to see as her sister? She could feel his chest aching and her temper rising.

"I raised him when no one else did. I will do anything for Spider. He's a wonderful kid and I cannot believe you just..." Sok'anya started to feel light headed once again. She sank back down to her knees as Neytiri caught her by the arm lowering her down carefully "Sok! What is wrong?!"

"Get off!" Sok'anya pushed her away. "Just go...I have nothing left to say to you....GET OUT!" She screamed as tears escaped from her eyes. Neytiri looked at her one more time before leaving. Sok'anya sat up carefully holding her belly trying to calm down. "It's okay...it's okay..." she tells her baby while trying to breathe steadily.

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