Part Nine

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Louis is completely distracted at work, he can't stop thinking about the killer and those boys, what they went through. He can't help the guilt he feels.

There are a few customers to the store but he's thankful for the slow day.

Louis can't wait to take over the bookstore. He loves reading and the feel of the store, he has plans to spruce it up and make it his own, but not lose the quirkiness and English charm.

He locks up at six and it's dark outside, a cool breeze licks his face as he locks the door and turns to make the walk home. The street has people milling about and the lights from the street lamps shine bright. Louis has never been scared walking home in town before, however he's slightly jumpy and a little uneasy after the conversation he had with Scott and Harry today.

Louis is lost in his thoughts as the wind picks up and the cold air seeps in. He pulls his cardigan around him a bit more to keep him warm when he hears shuffling behind him. He looks around but sees nothing, his skin prickles on his neck and he turns back around and picks up his pace.  He hears the noise again and turns around to nothing once again. Louis breathing picks up, he's scared now.

He tries to talk himself out of calling Harry and Scott, he doesn't want them to think he's weak, and can't handle all this. Especially after the panic attack he had in their office today. It's the third noise he hears and when he turns around he sees a shadow slinking into the alley behind him. He's definitely being followed.

He doesn't hesitate and pulls out his phone and calls Harry as he's first in his contact list.

"Louis?" Harry answers on the second ring

"H.....Harry" Louis half whispers panicked

"Louis, darling where are you?" Harry asks, he's instantly concerned and puts the phone on speaker so Scott can hear too.

"I'm...I'm walking home from work and I think....." Louis says and stops as he hears another noise behind him.

"You think what Lou? Are you okay?" Scott asks as he tries to keep his voice level and not show panic to Louis.

"I think I'm being followed" Louis says

Harry and Scott internally panic then

"Okay, Lou, listen to us okay, where are you? What street are you on" Scott asks

"I'm nearly at the corner of Rush street" Louis says his chest aching with anxiety

"Okay, the hotel we are in is the next street over, can you run? We want you to stay on the line and run Louis, as fast as you can" Harry explains and Louis listens straight away

He hears footsteps pick up behind him but Louis just runs his fastest.

"Harry I'm scared" Louis says and it's so vulnerable, Harry's heart is in his chest, he needs Louis safe in their arms right now.

"I know Lou, I'm right here okay, we're coming" Harry tells him.

Louis is just about at the corner of the next street, he looks behinds him and as he does he runs directly into a hard chest.

"Ahhhhh" Louis yells as he's grabbed

"It's okay, it's me, it's me sweetheart it's me" Scott says as he grabs Louis and Louis latches to him.

"Scott" Louis says as he tries to calm down

Scott holds Louis as Harry comes up behind them with his gun drawn.

He looks down the street but it's deserted

"There's no one there, we probably scared them off. Let's get you inside" Harry says as he looks around.

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