" Quiet!" Dhristarashtra voice boom all over the Sabha. Seeing the order returned he nodded to Mahamahim

Bheesma: As I was saying the Kurus got there first grandchild Karnaputri the youngest Kuru prince and some know him as Angraj. Secondly, Maharaj I wanted us to make a political alliance with Magadha for it will be beneficial for both the kingdoms

Hearing Bheesma Gandharinandans were fuming seeing the audicity of Mahamahim bringing it to the court without discussing it with there younger brother. They knew after him knowing there brother is a warrior of such caliber he'l do everything to make sure hastinapur will always have his protection but they decided they won't let there brother be tied in hastinapur throne so that he'l always provide protection to Kauravas. Duryodhan raised his hand asking for permission to talk which he was granted

Duryodhan: Mahamahim am sorry to say this,how will Magadha benefit by getting our alliance?for us we will always receive there safety for any king who'l think of attacking hastinapur will back down after knowing hastinapur has alliance with magadha . So please Mahamahim tell the court what will be there benefit

M. Bala: Even I want to know Mahamahim and why will jarasandh agree to make alliance with us

Bheesma: Bala, jarasandh isn't the king rather Magadha has a new king who killed him. And the reason of why will he agree of an alliance,,am sure he won't refuse to make alliance with his paternal kingdom and we offer him our land Khandavpradth.

The Kauravas along Dhristarashtra could believe what they heard. Dhristarashtra always knew Bheesma favour Panduputra but he couldn't believe he can reach to this extend by giving a cursed land to his son inorder to secure there safety. He thanked Mahadev for gaining his eyesight so that he can stand for his family. Karna looked at his father understanding what he was thinking, he nodded to him before standing up

"Am sorry to say these Mahamahim but am not going to form any alliance with hastinapur. My kingdoms are enough for me I don't need another land beside I see nothing to gain in this alliance rather I'l be the one to give out. So my answer is a no, but am shocked such a topic is being raised without even my Mahamantri around now I understand if you won't understand such important thing how can your Mahamantri remember the rules of Sabha" told a smirking Karna seeing how hard they were controlling themselves

"But Angraj don't you think by doing that you'l also be protecting your brother"said Vidur

"Mahamantri I don't remember Maharaj giving you the permission to give out your contribution or a you that ignorant that you don't regard the one sitting on the throne as one?beside why will Jeshta need my protection?for even though my brothers went to gurukul and there Guru was concentrating on certain students that didn't kill there spirit for they tried there best and after coming to gurukul they perfected what they learned and I helped them. But to satisfy your curiosity I don't need to form any alliance to help Jeshta whenever he needs help because even before he ask i'l always be there"told a stern Karna and Vidur was seething due to humiliation subjected to him Infront of ministers while Dhristarashtra and Vidur looked at him proudly

"Since there is nothing else to be discussed I call off the Sabha"told Dhristarashtra standing up

"But Maharaj........

"Vidur I hope you heard the Sabha is over and Dhrist has assured of hastinapur protection whenever Putra Duryodhan needs it"said Dhristarashtra heading out

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