stressed out -C.C.

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[summary: y/n helps charlie relieve his stress.]


college!charlie (sets place in early 2000s)


i sat on the couch of charlie and i's shared apartment. charlie has been very stressed lately due to hockey practice, scouts from major league hockey teams coming to his games recently, and finals coming up. however, due to all the stress and everything going on, he has decided to ignore me and distance himself away from our relationship. i've been feeling a bit sad about it but i guess he doesn't mean any harm by it.

i was watching 10 things I hate about you for the millionth time. it's my comfort movie and i always watch it when i have nothing to do. then, the doorknob started to jiggle. my head immediately turned to the door just to see my boyfriend walk through. "hi, baby." i mutter loud enough for him to hear. he mustered a soft 'hi' before walking past me to our bedroom. rolling my eyes softly, i turned my attention back to the movie.

eventually, the movie went off and it was only 8:45. i decided to take a shower and get ready for bed.

in the shower, i couldn't help but let my thoughts cloud my head. i couldn't help but to think that charlie was getting bored of me. that he was gonna leave me. even that he didn't love me anymore. by the time i got out of the shower, i was crying. but i quickly wiped my tears and got dressed, heading to our room.

when i walked in, charlie wasn't there. i sat on the bed, turning the TV on to watch south park. i was so bored. i was so caught in my own bordem, i wasn't even paying enough attention to realize that charlie came back. i didn't even realize it until he layed his head down on my chest.

i smiled. i missed this.

"hi, baby." i smiled, running my hand through his hair. "hi, my love." he responded, though his response was muffled due to his face being buried in my chest. "how are you feeling?" i asked. we haven't had a real conversation in atleast a week. "i'm feeling stressed. with everything going on, there's a lot of pressure on me. especially since i'm the star player." he explained, lifting his head up. when i looked at his face, tears were brimming his eyes.

"oh, baby. do you want to talk about it?" i spoke softly, sitting up with him and caressing his cheek. he shook his head no. "do you want a hug?" i looked at him empathatically. he nodded his head yes. i held my arms open and he wasted no time to wrap his arms around me. "all the pressure is getting to my head. i've been pushing myself and pushing myself over my limit. then finals are coming up and i've barely had any time to study. then when i do study, all i think about is how i need to practice more. and i feel so bad because i've been ignoring you and i haven't been spending much time with you. i'm sorry." he admitted. while he was talking, i cried a little bit.

i wiped my tears, played with his hair again. "well now that you brought it up, i've been thinking. like everytime you would come home, the only thing you would say is 'hi.' for a little bit, i thought you were getting bored of me and you were gonna leave me. i even thought you didn't love me anymore." i laughed tearfully.

charlie looked at me in shock. "i am so sorry that i've been distancing myself so much that you would think that. y/n, i would never get bored of you or leave you. i love you so much that words can't even explain it. i want you and only you. whenever i think about my future, i think about you. i love you so much." he explained. i smiled at him, before pouncing on him.

i ended up on top of him, planting kisses all over his face. until i looked him in his eyes. "i think you missed a spot." he smirked. "oh yeah? show me." i smirked back. he chuckled, putting his hand on my neck and guiding me down so our lips meet.

"although i love you and i really enjoy kissing you, char, we should go to bed. get ready for class tomorrow." i suggested. he sighed, "yeah, you're right." we both got situated in our bed.

"goodnight, my love. i love you." "goodnight, baby. i love you."

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