La Historia de la Familia de Sangre

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We began this story with the family creed. A creed that laid out the rules and regulations for those that we considered family and for those that we don't. We are a family built not only on trust, loyalty, and respect. However, there is one thing that was left out, we're also a family built on honesty. In fact, honesty is the number one principle we stand on. If you can't be with yourself, you can't be honest to your family.

To know the real story of Familia you must know the true origins and history of it and all of the key players. Perception would lead you to think that the four horsemen were responsible for the things said and done in the family. To a certain extent they were, but they weren't the true leaders of Familia, they were merely the face of it. Afterall no one would believe that a group of women, much less minority women were responsible for moving that much product and claiming territory all the way from Miami to New York.

Oh no, hell would freeze over before a woman could ever do that in the eyes of men. However, we weren't your regular women; we came from all walks of life, areas of the earth, and it's written in our destiny to lead and never follow. Not to say that men couldn't lead, but well you see how things ended up with these men. One ended up dead, another blamed for his own brother's murder, one imprisoned for doing the unthinkable, and finally the last one. Now the last one wasn't as dumb as people thought he was. He may not have had the education and know how as everyone as else, but he knew how to manipulate people, things, and situations in his favor. We'll commend him for keeping up and running familia but we won't congratulate him for the things he allowed to happen to those that were originally meant to take over, including his own blood.

For the last 30 years Familia has separated from its beginnings, believing that the true mission is to protect the family at all costs, yet there are those that will spill the blood of their own to get one step ahead. Something that would never have been done if the true leaders were in place. The true mission behind Familia is to keep the bloodline going. A blood line which is not patriarchal, but matriarchal, run completely by women. It's time for the true leaders to rise up and take their place at the top. They will answer to no one, especially not a man. They will reestablish relationships that have been severed and restore order within the family. No longer the family of the day and the night, but the Blood family!

The future is family and legacy.

The Blood Legacy! 

~~~~~Blood Legacy~~~~~Blood Legacy~~~~~Blood Legacy~~~~~

I am backkkkkk!!!! Yall really thought I was going to let the story end the way it did. Nope, Jaya and Asia been friends way too long for that happen. Plus the story isn't over there is so much more that yall don't know. Like...lets just say Lisa ain't the only one that had a child pop out of the blue. I'll leave yall with that little tid bit for now, but tell me who you think it is that has another child that wasn't mentioned before. 

Prologue coming soon so stay tuned!

Peace Out!


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