Chapter Two: The Water Laws

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He let out a small sigh of relief. "I appreciate it, and also, I must thank you for your help earlier. I was not as brave as you stated."

Boden laughed. "You were brave alright, just maybe not very smart." Adrian blinked. "I can tell you're good with a sword, but you're obviously used to fighting a much fairer opponent and only one at a time for that matter."

His eyes widened. "You could tell all that just from watching me?"

"My husband's a pretty renowned Venwickin war general," Avril said over her shoulder as she returned to the stove. "We met during the Minokan civil war, you know. I was part of his regiment. He dissected my fighting flaws as well back then. A real know it all, but he knows what he's doing."

Adrian blinked at the man. "You're a war general?"

"Was. Now I just help New Minokan town folk as much as I can, usually with those damn mid-Elderian water laws."

"Are the water laws not fair?" Adrian felt a wave of anxiety run through him as he remembered writing those laws during the triple alliance three years prior.

"Fair? They're downright brutal." The king swallowed. "Perhaps they were well meaning at first, but the Cappeland and Nebrasian guards that run the water supply stations quickly realized they could profit from the laws by charging double, sometimes triple for imported water. It's why I make my little trips to the river post that borders Venwick and Cappeland. You get gouged if you buy water in town."

Adrian could feel his cheeks growing red. "They shouldn't have that much control over the river," he said angrily. "The laws are meant to conserve the water so that all countries that border the Minokan and Tolkma river may receive what they need. They've abused the system for their own gain."

Boden cocked his head to the side curiously. "I'm surprised an Andveltican knows so much about our water laws."

His face flushed further. "I...just take an interest in politics."

"Be that as it may, me and my family are lucky to live so close to the Minokan river. Other Venwickins are not so fortunate. The further out they are from the rivers the more the water costs, and those northern towns are already so poor. Venwick has always been tossed around by the wealthier southern countries."

"But things have gotten better since the triple alliance started taking in more refugees, right?" He tried to hide the anxiety in his voice.

"Well, we just pulled out of another civil war since that Venwickin uprising collapsed. I think most Venwickins are just trying to get by without getting caught between all the politics. There is still so little support out here."

Adrian looked down at his hands, the guilt in his chest growing heavy. He wondered if other decisions he'd made as king had hurt people.

"Food's ready," Avril shouted, shaking him from his despairing thoughts.

Boden led him to a little table in the other room. Adrian forgot about the water laws for a moment as he looked around the tiny dining room. There were little drawings obviously done by a child, hung all over the walls.

As he sat down at the wooden table, something ran from the opposite hall and threw itself into Boden's arms. A little girl with light brown skin around four years old with black curly hair and green eyes hugged the older man, her voice high pitched as she spoke.

"Daddy! You're home!"

"Chloe, Sweetie, you're supposed to be in bed."

"No time for sleep when Daddy's home!"

He chuckled. "I suppose you can eat with us and our guest."

"Woohoo!" She grinned, then looked up at Adrian with curious eyes. "Who are you?"

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