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~ SURPRISE! Here is another chapter to thank my awesome readers for being so patient with me! You guys are the best! ~



~ 5 months later ~

There is a change in Angel that everyone has noticed. Barely leaves his room. Doesn't smile. And when he does finally leave his room to go to work or grab food? He shuffles around quietly with a glassy expression. Utterly devoid of life or will. An eerie husk of what once was.

Charlie is unnerved by it. Vagatha is skeptical. Husk doesn't know what to think. And Niffty cleans to cover up how nervous she is. The only one who seems to care, is me.

Although I don't show it, Angel's robotic demeanor has gotten under my scarred skin and stabs at my dead heart.

Youuuu aaaare the caaaauusssse offff hissss pain. My shadow sings tauntingly and my ear twitches at the harsh clicking from its hissing words.

"Shut up." I growl and return my focus to the chest cavity of the demon I tore open to feast on. Scarlet stains the white tablecloth and my hands as I dig around, pulling out fistfuls of intestines. Shoving them in my mouth, I chew thoughtfully.

All doors leading into the dining room are closed and locked so I may eat in peace. After coming into the dining room as my last dinner screamed for its life two months ago, Charlie threw up. Effectively causing me to lose my appiete.

I had to begrudgingly agree to let the staff know when I sat down to feast so I would be undisturbed.

But for some reason, I can't seem to enjoy my meal. Killing the lower level demon that wandered into my path during my hunting stroll held no joy. Whereas I once relished in killing my prey and listening to the piercing screams as I cut into their chest, now only serves as substance to curb my cravings.

There is no joy or entertainment to be had anymore. Killing is no longer the same. Sure, I'll squash a demon here and there that get in my way, just to show off my power. To show everyone that they are nothing but a bug flattened under my stylish shoe.

But now, much like Angel, I wander around with no enthusiasm. Taking care of paperwork and running the hotel like a broken doll with a permanent smile on its face. A smile to hide the agonizing pain inside that pushes me closer to insanity. A smile that is a lie.

"I wish I never saved yer sorry ass." Angel's words haunt me daily. The hurt on his face that day, twists the dagger in my heart ever deeper as the memory replays constantly in my mind. Making me wish I could force the words I said back down my throat. To take back the pain I caused him.

Sleep never finds me and eating is the only coping mechanism I know.

So much pointless carnage. And for what? To get past the way Angel looks right through me. Like I'm not even there. Like he's only going through the motions. Even the one eyed ragamuffin with unruly pink hair is unsuccessful in getting Angel to say or do anything.

His best friend and she can't do anything useful! The venomous thought sours my mood further and I swallow bitterly.

Any attempt at talking to Angel results in the same blank stare. It's so bad, that he won't even crack an inappropriate joke anymore. Although distasteful, I'd give anything to hear one of those awful jokes. To hear his voice lower in a sultry tone as he attempts to make a sexual pass at me for the umpteenth time. To listen to his throaty chuckle as I turn him down.


Just as long as he talks to me!

Taaaakkkeee actionnnn, The shadow lurking next me whispers.

"What do you propose I do? Trot around wearing lingerie and hope he'll snap out of it, just to hear his voice again?" I snap sarcastically with a buzz of screeching static.

If thatssss what it takesss, Another shadow answers without hesitation and I about brush off the ludicrous thought. I almost continue eating away my feelings, but hesitate.

Are my entities correct?

Must I do something as ridiculous and appalling as wear lingerie to grab Angel's attention? Other attempts have failed, even cornering him. He would just stand there, staring off into the distance until you moved to the side to allow him an escape route.

Pulling a handkerchief from my breast pocket, I dab at the blood smeared on my mouth. It's crazy. Absolutely ghastly. But perhaps crazy enough that it just may work.

Only one way to find out...


"Is the coast clear?" I repeat to the closest shadow. A hiss of static escapes through my teeth, betraying my trepidation.

The hotellll issss emppttyy, A shadow with glowing red eyes and a devilish smirk says, gleefully eyeing me.

I cross my arms over my chest, covering the mostly bare flesh and huff in agitation. While Angel made a food run downstairs, my shadows raided his closet and brought me a thin scrap of pale pink fabric. Every fiber of my being instantly wanted to reject this idea and find another way.

I wrestled with myself for two hours before finally slipping into the lingerie.

Took a good thirty minutes just to figure out how to put the damned thing on. So many straps and left nothing to the imagination.

Arrreee youuu suurreee abouuttt thissss? The entity asks, head cocking to the side to stare at my outfit in confusion.

I nod without hesitation. I'm sure that there is another way to possibly snap Angel out of his... mechanical behavior, but this way is so bizzare and so uncharacteristic of me, that it's garunteed to work.

With one last peek out into the hallway, I begin walking toward his room. Wincing, I grumble softly to myself as the straps bite uncomfortably against my skin and digs deeper between my ass cheeks.

My tail struggles to move but is tangled in the mess of thin material.

"This better work or I am going to murder someone." I mumble, my palms sweating profusely the closer I get to the door covered in pink hearts.

Lifting my fist, it hovers a few inches from the wood as I grapple with my terror. What if it doesn't work? What if he sees me like this and thinks I am weak? Will he tell the others?

"I'll just kill him if he reveals what he saw here today." I tell myself unconvincingly. Knowing full well that I'm not strong enough to end the afterlife of Angeldust. Looking into those vulnerable eyes, who is?

He has a way about him that makes you question everything. A siren that beckons you with an hypnotic call.

Gathering the last of my courage, I rap my knuckles on the door and wait.

The whispering of covers, soft footsteps, a door opens, and I'm staring up at the object of my insanity. My Obsession. Angel.


Author's Note:

As promised, I made this chapter a bit longer. Huge thank you to those who read my stories and continue to have patience with me as I slowly update this story!

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