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"Anthony, finish da job!" Harsh and furious, I look over my shoulder to see Georgie glaring at me.

"Fer Christ sakes Georgie, it's an innocent woman." I interject, turning back to look down at the young woman cowering at my feet.

"Pops said kill every person in the warehouse. That includes the women." Georgie pulls a loaded magazine from his pocket and reloads the 9mm he holds. "I don't see da big deal. Yer actin' like a spineless cod."

My eyes embarrassingly gloss over as I look into the wide blue eyes of the blonde haired woman on the ground. I don't want to do this. Being part of a mob family is awful. But being forced to kill others that cross pops, is worse.

Pops said there wouldn't be any women in da warehouse. He lied.

From the looks of it, there were four women. Three of which Georgie has already shot. Thankfully, he mercifully shot them in the head. So it was quick.

I don't care that goons took over one of our warehouses to secretly sell some products our family does under the table, effectively screwing pops over. I didn't give two shits about unloading bullets into those degenerates.

But women?

The short time I had with my mother before she passed, was spent making flower necklaces, playing fun card games, dressing up, and cooking. I learned to respect women. To cherish their existence. Like Ma wanted.

Now? I'm reduced to being a hit man for Pops to make him happy, lest I receive a savage beating.

"Fer fuck sakes." Georgie mutters as he walks around me, lifts his gun, and puts a bullet between her eyes. The loud bang of the gun echos in the warehouse, causing my ears to ring as I stare helplessly down at the body of the woman.

"Let's get back or Pops will have our heads." I can't move. It's as if my shoes are glued to the spot. I watch the life ebb from her eyes and leave them dull and glassy as death takes her. A horrifyingly empty expression. "Anthony, move!"

A firm hand wraps around my arm and yanks me backward. Stumbling, I let Georgie drag me away as tears drip from my chin.

I'm not sure if Hell exists, but I do know one thing with absolute clarity. If such a place exists, I am, without a doubt, going to Hell to burn for my sins.


Jolting awake, I sit upright and look around the blurry room, disoriented. It takes a second to realize that tears blur my vision and I'm not blind. It takes another to see that I'm in Smiles room.

I scrub away the tears and suck in a deep breath to gather my thoughts. Sometimes, memories will slip into my consciousness. Memories from when I was alive. And it's awful. So far, in my time down in Hell, it's only been terrible memories. I remember my past life so vividly.

A small blessing that humans have when dumped in Hell. We are able to regain the memories of when we were alive, but there are times they can be painful, remind us of what we once had. A doting mother. A fluffy pet.

A lost love...

Brown hair and green eyes framed by half moon glasses dance in my mind and I put my head in my hands with a sob.

Albert Guvonie.

The only man I ever truly loved when I was alive. Met him when I was twenty five and dated him for two years. I knew he was the one for me. Until that dreaded night in 1933...

He said he was going out hunting. Said Pops wanted to teach him a few hunting tricks and get to know the man dating his son better. Albert was excited and said he needed to ask Pops something... so he went.

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