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~ Because I love my readers so freaking much and you all push me to continue writing, even when I'm at my lowest, I want to post the next chapter for my fellow Radiodust lovers! You guys are my rock! Thank you! ~

And yes, I made this chapter much longer! :)


There's no words that come close to expressing the shock I feel at seeing the Radio Demon in pink lingerie. Lingerie that even though is put on wrong, still extenuates his frame and makes the scars on his skin stand out starkly.

My eyes travel down his body and fasten on the bulge in the front that seems to twitch the longer I stare at it.

Damn Al!

"Angel?" Alastor's nervous tone has my gaze snapping up to look into his weary eyes. His light skin shows no sign of the bruised damage he endured months ago. The scars on his face are gone. Both eyes glitter with contempt as we stare each other down.

The pale pink straps crossing over his chest shift slightly with each nervous breath he takes. Lips thinning, I remain silent.

The last time we spoke, he said some hurtful things. Since then, I have been trying my best to avoid saying anything. To stare off into the distance and keep quiet until Alastor snaps. Cherri's idea, not mine.

At first, I thought it was a crazy idea. But after a week of not talking to him and acting like a zombie, I began to notice Al becoming more irritable.

And soon after, he started to corner me when we found ourselves alone. Dragging me into empty closets and rooms to talk. To try and snap me out of my "vegetative state."

From pleading all the way to threats, nothing worked.

Not going to lie, it took everything I had not to laugh or crack a smile at his attempts. To not make a joke at his expense. Waiting until he became desperate as Cherri suggested.

And this?

This is clearly desperate, I think with amusement as Alastor shifts from foot to foot uneasily. Eyes darting every which way to ensure no one is around. His grin straining to stay in place.

"Say something." Alastor growls.

Cocking a hip, I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow, still refusing to speak.

"I plucked the courage to put on this cursed thing and face you, knowing that it was a gamble. The very least you can do is say something! Anything!" Face flushing crimson, Alastor's yell echoes in the hallway.

"K." I reply. Giving him just one word. One word that he doesn't deserve. He does not deserve to hear anything from me after the shit he said. Not a single syllable.

"That's it? That's all I get for doing this?" Alastor snaps, the sound of screeching static making me wince.

"What did ya expect? A blowjob?" I bark, unable to resist answering.

The blush on his face darkens at the assumption and his ears flatten in defense. "O-Of course not! How dare you assume such vile things?!?!"

I move to close my bedroom door and he shoves his shoe between the crack, preventing me from slamming the door shut. "Wait! Please tell me what I must do to make it up to you. To fix things with us."

"Ya laughed in my face, called me a whore, and said that ya never had feelings fer me. How da fuck do ya expect ta make it up ta me?" I use an arm to lean against the doorframe and glare down at him.

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