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One Month Later...

I'm numb. I can't eat or sleep. It's literal Hell to be a dimension away from Alastor. Agonizing torture to have his doppelganger so close and my Albert so far.

For an entire month, I've stayed in this wretched blue room. Bags under my eyes, no emotion, just laying on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. A doll. An empty shell of the demon I once was.

There are times my stomach would cramp and ache from lack of food, and a mechanical smile would curl my lips, thinking I was close to leaving the hellish coil holding me here and I'd descend into a fate probably worse than Death. I don't care though.

I'd rather go ta double Hell than be with fake Albert.

And when I would feel myself slipping, finally passing on from this torture, Blueberry would burst into the room and physically force mashed food down my throat.

"I refuse to let you die, my love. Live damn it!" He would yell above me while clamping a hand on my jaw, forcefully moving my mouth to chew and massaging my throat for me to swallow.

"Jus'... let... me... die." I would choke out, drool trickling from the corners of my mouth.

"Absolutely not."


Red eyes, a sweet smile reserved just for me, and twitching ears invade my thoughts.

"My Wildflower... come back to me." His voice echoes in my head.

I know it's entirely in my head. That he's not actually there. Regardless, Albert's words spark a flame inside me. A flame that spreads throughout my body like an inferno of rage, searching for an outlet to rip into.


Slowly sitting up, my eyes narrow as my gaze shifts to the closed bedroom door. I must be smart about this. Blueberry is still Alastor and if I'm assuming correctly, he also shares the same powers in this dimension.

He had ta have gotten outta Alastor's void somehow. So, it's safe ta assume I'm right.

Because he's powerful, I'm going to have to pull the oldest trick in the book. Seduction.

Sometimes to calm Val down when I worked for him, I had to do some... unsavory things to keep him occupied or make him forget why he was mad. Wincing at what must be done, I suck in a deep breath to calm my suddenly frazzled nerves.

Okay Angel, be smart. Ya need ta first figure out how he jumps dimensions and then seduce him so good, ya can sneak off while he's passed out. Piece of cake.

Easier said than done...

Scrubbing my tired face, I plaster a not too convincing smirk on my face and strut over to the door. I almost cry in relief when the door opens.

Thank Lucifa' it's not locked!

Hands on my hips, I sashay down the corridor, anxiety building with every step. As I walk, I take in the oddly familiar hallways.

It almost looks exactly like...

"Will you two stop going for one another's throats for five fucking minutes?!?!" A masculine voice yells.

Deep, yet strangely familiar.

Coming to a stop at the top of a set of wide carpeted stairs, my eyes practically bug out of my head from the bizzare sight before me.

I'm in the Hazbin Hotel.

Well... a weird version of it anyways. Too much blue in my opinion. But that's not what makes me openly stare with my mouth hanging wide open. No. What makes me gasp, is the weird ass versions of the staff loitering in the lobby.

Blueberry is standing nose to nose with a dapper version of me. Clean pressed, wearing a dark blue suit with a Fedora, and blue stripes on his fur instead of pink, my doppleganger stands with all four arms crossed, scowl on his face and a silver tooth glinting.

Beside them, is what I recognize as the suit Charlie normally wears, but instead, stands a young man with short blonde hair, sapphire blue cheeks, and a worried expression.

Another young man with shoulder length gray hair and a blue X over one eye, has a hand on the other's shoulder, a disapproving scowl twisting his face as he glares at Blueberry and my doppelganger.

Holy shit, Charlie and Vaggie are guys in this dimension!

"He shouldn' even be here!" My twin self snarls, using two hands to shove Blueberry, causing him to stumble back.

"What I do in my spare time, dear, is no business of yours." Blueberry barks, eyes flashing dangerously.

"Then go fuck yer boytoy somewhere else. Some of us actually want this endeavor with da Hotel ta succeed!" My twin snaps.

"Refrain from calling him that, or I shall rip out your tongue and shove it where the blazing blue pentagram doesn't shine!"

"Guys, please! Why can't we get along?" Guy Charlie pleads, pressing a hand to his chest in distress.

Yep. That's definitely a Charlie move right there. It's a nervous habit I observed her having whenever she's upset.

"I'll get along just swell once this charlatan stops sticking his nose where it doesn't belong." Blueberry huffs.

"Charlatan? Excuse ya, I am exactly who I say I am busta'. I am da Ovalord of Lust. Show me some respect." I blanch at my doppelganger's remark.

My mirror half is livin' a betta' life?

That is so unfair! What did I do to deserve the universe fucking me up the ass so damn hard?

"I would zip it in front of the other audience." A cold, smooth, feminine voice growls and a cat-like demon makes her way forward, piercing yellow eyes directed at me.

Black curly hair reaches to her waist. She wears a white pressed shirt, red bowtie, and blue suspenders. Wings fan out behind her in agitation as she grips a bottle of booze with taloned hands.

No way. It can't be...


As one, everyone turns their attention on me and I automatically take a step back.


"Angel, darling. Don't be afraid." Blueberry calls out, and with a snap of his fingers, I'm suddenly transported downstairs, in the middle of everyone. A circle of bright blue features and clothes.


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