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"Whaddya' mean no?" I snarl, tossing back the shot of whiskey girl Husk poured for me - whose name I learned is Hattie - ass seated at the strange but familiar bar in the room conjoined to the lobby.

"I mean exactly that. No. You belong here, with me Anthony." Blueberry sits next to me, eyes pleading with me to understand. But I don't.

I don't understand why this limp dick asshole won't let me go home. My real home in da Lucifa' Dimension.

My Dimension may not be pretty to look at or have much, but it's mine. And I will find a way back, regardless of this stubborn deer.

"Where did da me with a stick up his ass go?" I ask, changing the subject.

"I'm not sure, and it's worrying." Blueberry mutters, tapping a gloved finger against the bar, indicating to Hattie that he would like a drink.

She pours him a shot of tequila with a low grumble.

"He said he had to take care of a problem and left." The guy version of Charlie says as he walks into the room with a frown. Unsurprisingly, his name remains Charlie.

Some things neva' change.

Guy Vaggie goes by Vince and I haven't seen a Niffty around the hotel. So I assume there's a different demon that cleans the place, because this Hotel, has not a touch of grime or mold on it. Not even a speck of dust.

"Knowing him, it's probably something... unsavory." Blueberry deadpans, voice giving way to skipping static.

"Why hate him but like me?" The question jumps from my mouth before I can stop it and I nervously tap my shot glass against the bar until Hattie fills it to the brim with whiskey. To which, I immediately throw back the burning bitter liquid in one gulp.

"He is an uncaring, ruthless, backstabbing, good for nothing applesauce of a demon, who deserves to be shot and brutally stabbed." His eyes shift to radio dials and claws dig into the oak wood of the bar.

I jolt in surprise at Blueberry's venomous response and lean away from his growing demon form.

Wow. A lot to unpack here. It's clear they both know each other personally. Leads me to believe, maybe romantically once?

Lost in thought, my eyes stray over to the entrance of the room and I blanch when I see myself glaring back at me. Without a word, as to not alert anyone to his presence, my twin gestures sharply for me to follow, then turns and slinks away.

"Is there a bathroom? I hafta... powder my nose." I lie.

"There is a bathroom down the hall, three doors down. I can show you the way if you'd like." Blueberry offers, tone calmer, and I vigorously shake my head.

"Nah, it's okay. I can find it."

Doing my best not to wilt under his scrutinizing gaze, I give him a big fake smile and wink. The wink seems to relax him and his grin widens as he nods.

Leaving the room quickly, I wander down the hall in confusion. I search, but can't find my Dimension twin. About to give up, I jump when a hand suddenly curls around my throat and slams me hard against the wall.

"Anthony, are you alright?" Blueberry calls out and a gloved hand covers mouth as I look up at my twin in growing horror.

Oh, God. Is he goin' ta kill me?

"Yeah, babe. I'm okay. I'll be right there." My twin calls back, injecting fake cheerfulness to match the sound of my voice.

He drags me into a nearby room, glancing around to make sure it's empty before shoving something into my hands. I stare down at the smooth black opal in my palm in confusion.

"What da fuck is this?" I ask.

"Yer ticket back ta yer dimension and outta mine." He quips with a sneer. "I had ta go ta Lilith's office and steal her portal stone ta travel ta yer dimension and seek da help of Alastor's brainless double. He and I came up with a plan ta return ya ta yer dimension and keep my blue dumbass in da dark fer awhile until we figure a more permanent way ta stop him from seekin' ya out."

"And what is this plan?" I snap and take a stumbling step back when he withdraws a jeweled dagger from a pocket inside his suit.

"This dagger needs ta taste yer blood ta send ya back. Give me yer hand."

"I thought da stone was my ticket back." I mock and fall silent as his blue eyes flash dangerously.

"Da stone needs yer blood on it ta send ya back. Yer not keepin' it dumbass. The dagger reads yer blood and when it touches da stone, it opens up a portal ta da dimension yer from."

"Fine." I mumble and hold out my hand, heart hammering excitedly in my chest.

I'm this close.

This close ta seein' Albert again!

With one swift motion, my twin slashes the blade across my palm and I hiss in pain as blood wells. My blood drips from the tip of the blade, to the stone in my other palm and a bright flash blinds me.

Blinking spots from my eyes, I gape at the portal before me. Big and blue, the surface shimmers like the surface of water and is see through. I can see the lobby of the Hotel and everyone in the room as if waiting for something.

When the portal opens, everyone turns as one to stare. I wave my hand at them, suddenly shy.

"They can't see ya. Fuckin' idiot." My twin mutters and I look over my shoulder at him, shoving the stone into his hands.

"Who da fuck hurt ya ta make ya so cold hearted? And what is this plan ya spoke about?"

"Ya ask too many questions. Questions that under normal circumstances, would have ya killed. Jus' accept my help and disappear from my life fer good. Capiche?"

"Whateva'." I shrug and barrel through the cool surface of the portal.

As soon as my feet touch the carpet of the lobby, I'm roughly yanked into a firm embrace. Sandalwood and the musky scent of death envelope me, and like a dam breaking, I burst out into tears while burying my face into Alastor's coarse red hair.

I'm with Albert. I'm home.


I know this was a short fluff chapter, but get ready. The next chapter or two will be building up in angst and will be longer! Mwahahahaha! 🤪

Secret Confessions (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora