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~ WARNING: This chapter contains violence, gore, and blood. With a hint of angst. ~


"What is that, my dear? I can't hear you over the ridiculous nonsense you're spewing." I flex my fingers, effectively tightening the black tentacle around the throat of the yellow horned demon running the flower shop.

"I was... advised not... to... sell any flowers to you... or Angeldust." The man chokes out when I pull back an inch to allow him to speak.

"By whom?"

Lips thinning, his red eyes flash in fear. Too terrified to speak of the person that denied my Angel.

"Tell me of their name, or I shall give you a true reason to feel terror." I spit venomously, pressing my nose against his in fury.

"He... He'll kill me." The demon squeaks.

"I should kill you for taking away any shred of happiness from Mon Ange. For bringing tears to his beautiful pink eyes. I should tear you limb from limb for making my fiancé feel an ounce of sadness." I growl, fingers curling into a fist, causing the demon to struggle and choke. "The only reason you are still alive, is by the grace of Angel. He wants roses from the mortal world, and I'm going to make damn sure he gets them. So tell me, you insolent little whelp, what you are going to do."

"Cater to the wedding with roses." He wheezes when I pull away.

"Good man." I boast, snapping my fingers so the tentacle drops him and disappears into the shadows. Invisible for now until I have use for it again. "And for the price for your life and for wasting my valuable time, you shall do this for free."

"But-" Head snapping all the way around to give him an eerie sharp smile and glowing red eyes, his argument fades before it begun. "It will be done."

Humming an old tune, I pull a folded piece of paper out of my pocket as I stroll out of the shop, and read the list of the shops that Angel jotted down before I left, that pulled out of our wedding.

There are quite a few.

Of course, I handled a good chunk of them with threats easily, and had to bribe some with cash, but everything is starting to get back on track.

I don't know who is responsible for all of this, but I will find out and they will suffer a slow and entertaining second death.

No one makes my Anthony cry.

Just seeing him rubbing his puffy tear soaked eyes as he wrote down the list for me, made my heart break. The payment for going out and spending all day fixing this mess, was but a simple kiss from my Wildflower.

A sweet and delicious kiss that had me craving more. More of him. Any morsel of what my Angel would give me.

But, with him being so sad and stressed, I drew him a bubble bath, offered that Molly could come over if need be, waited with him until his sister arrived, pressed a kiss to his forehead with the promise of fixing everything, grabbed the list, and left.

I don't much care for weddings, and my own is no exception. But Anthony does. And it's for him that I do this. For him that I fix the recklessness of others grave mistakes in denying him anything.

Because I love him so much,
it physically hurts.

Gaze lowering to the last place on the list, I make my way towards my next target. The wedding dress shop.

Folding the paper and returning it to my pocket, I glance through the wide display window to see a young imp woman scurrying around the shop. Dusting shelves, fixing wrinkles in dresses, and moving things around.

This is going to be fun.

I waltz in casually and revel in the wide eyed, open mouthed, look of terror that transforms her delicate face. "Y-You're..."

"Alastor dear, pleasure I'm sure." I come to a stop in front of her, smile widening as my eyes flickered to radio dials with malice. "Would you be so kind as to explain why my fiancé's dress seems to be missing."

"Someone came in and bought it. Had me store it so they can come for it later." Her voice trembles, but she straightens her posture and narrows her eyes in an amusing effort to take a stance.

Irksome but admirable.

Reminds me of when I first met Anthony. He was high spirited too. Took a good chunk out of my leg with a hunting knife in our first show down. That scar will forever be a loving reminder of my one true love.

"If the chap was to return for it, the dress must be around back. Please retrieve it for me, post haste."

"No. They already paid for it and I can't break store policy." She snaps, fear melting into anger.

"Your bravery was amusing at first, but now it's annoying. Fetch the dress."


"Must I take it from you and burn this establishment to the ground?" I inquire with a sigh.

"I don't cave to bullies. And you sir, are a bully." Fear bleeds into her quivering tone and perfumes the air with its bitter scent.

"If I am, so be it." I turn to look over my shoulder at the shadows. "Find the dress."

"I feel bad for that poor boy. He deserves a hell of a lot better than your toxicness." The woman hisses.

Her words freeze me in place and my gaze lowers to stare at the ground. She's right. But this is something I already know.

"Yes. He does." Without an ounce of hesitation or remorse, I snap my hand out to curl around her throat, picking her squirming body up and bringing her face close to mine. "I may not deserve that kind, sweet, and amazing man, but I will do everything in my power to be worthy of him. To show him every single day that I love him with everything I am."

A quick twist of my claws and her neck snaps. A vicious yank and her head tears clean off her body in a  gory spurt of blood and sinew.

With a sneer, I toss her head to the ground and step over the headless corpse, carefully observing each dress I pass. Pure white, some shimmer like diamonds and I clasp my hands behind my back as to not get blood on them.

Would be such a shame to ruin such finery.

One of my entities emerge from an open door in the back, beckoning me over with a wide red grin and gleeful narrow eyes.

When I walk through the doorway, I pause to take in the stunning pale dress on a mannequin. A sweetheart neckline. A wide train that glitters in the weak florescent lights. And a long veil that looks like it has tiny diamonds woven into each delicate strand.

A beautiful dress for my beautiful Ange.

I snap my fingers, giving the shadow temporary solid form. "Grab the dress carefully. Anthony will be pleased to learn that nothing happened to it and I don't want to ruin his dress with the imps blood on my hands."

As I leave the shop and head towards home, a genuine smile curves my lips.

I can't wait to finally be married to my Anthony.


Author's Note:

Get ready guys. Because the next chapter will be the last one in Secret Confessions and it will end on an angsty cliffhanger! You have been warned...

Don't worry though, there will be a Book 2 called: Dangerous Desires

So after the last chapter, keep a lookout for when it appears on Wattpad!

Secret Confessions (Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora