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So... um. I know I said this chapter would be longer, but I couldn't get this scene out of my head, so I wrote about it because Angel lives for dominating and humiliating his Albert. Be forewarned, this has HEAVY NSFW content in it. If that isn't your jam, please don't read this chapter.

Angeldust's chapter next, I will do my best to make longer.

Anywho... enjoy!


I did it.

I finally asked for Anthony's hand without any interruptions or guns exploding in my face.

He's mine for eternity.

As the thought crosses my mind, I can't stop the wide sappy lovesick smile from splitting my face as we sit at our table. Angel holds my hand under the table and I sigh dreamily. I'm happy. Placid. Content. I'm finally whole.

Seeing my mother's pink diamond ring sitting on Angel's finger, makes me feel more than giddy. It helps me see the "big picture" as the kids say nowadays. Like film being torn away from my eyes, I can now see that chasing after power, isn't what I truly want.

Not anymore.

No, my obsession has and always will be, Anthony. Making him happy and cherishing the love he bestows to me every single day. Hell may be an absolute cesspool of vile scum and disgusting degenerates, but somehow, true love was able to blossom in the scorching, blistering winds.


And like a delicate rose, I must shelter and protect my Mon Ange from the brutality of this terrible place we live in.

"Ya look so silly with all that lipstick on ya. Here, lemme help ya get it off." A voice laughs and I look up from our joined hands to see Angel holding up a damp napkin. No doubt wetting it from the cup of water next to him.

"They are reminders of the happiest moment of my life and I don't mind wearing them for the rest of the night." I murmur, reaching up with my other hand to cup his cheek.

I hear a sharp intake of breath and his pink eyes darken with desire. "Don't say shit like that or I'll shut ya up myself."

"How so?" I ask in amusement.

"By keepin' those lips busy in anotha' way." Leaning forward, he presses a finger to my lips teasingly. The soft fluff of his finger tickles my lips and I slowly open my mouth to nip at it.

"Look what ya did, I'm bleedin'." He says with mock astonishment as he pulls his finger back to see a drop of black blood welling on the tip.

Eyes latched to the drop of blood, I breathe in the sweet scent of it greedily into my lungs. I wasn't lying when I mentioned to him that his blood drives me crazy. It's a mere drop and already my true demon form stirs, needing to taste what Angel offers. Craving his flesh and sickeningly sweet blood.

Angel's taste is basically chocolate to me. Unbearable and so sweet, it's revolting. But I can't seem to get enough.

Taking his hand in mine, I guide his finger to my mouth, wrapping my lips around the bleeding cut.

"Ever since feasting on me, ya want more and more of my blood and flesh... don't ya my Strawberry Deer?" Angel asks with a throaty laugh.

I don't respond. Instead, I twirl my tongue around the tip of his finger, prodding at the cut. Molten gaze locked on his as I suck the blood from his skin.

"If ya don't stop, I may jus' snap and force ya ta take me hard. Put that pretty mouth ta good use." My ears twitch and skin heats at his low enticing threat.

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