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The Next Day...

I was tempted to stay home and simply watch my Beau eat the breakfast I made for him and maybe read over mother's Grimore.

The Overlord Ball may still be a ways out, but there's still so much to do. A plan this big requires absolute focus.

No distractions.

Oh, but how can I, when my attention strays to the white, fluffy, dominant, spider who occupies my every thought?

The spider that - even as a mortal - took my careful preservation and self control, and smashed it to smithereens with but one shy glance. One shy glance turning into one bright smile, then to one molten look. The moment our eyes met so long ago, I was completely and utterly his.

Anthony made me question my sexuality, my disgust in anything sexual. He had me wanting to give up all control. Alive and in Death.

Now I understand why I was so eager to draw up a contract and make a deal to give him control over me. Even then, all I wanted was my Anthony to dominate every inch of me. Mind, Body, and Soul. And he succeeded.

He swept over me like a raging storm and took everything I had to offer and more. For, even though I hold a piece of his soul in my palm...

He has my entire soul in his gloved hands.

Angel decided to sleep in my home last night instead of the Hotel, and I had to sink my teeth into my bottom lip to keep from releasing a shriek of joy. I know I have a long ways to go to making up everything to him. I understand why he's a bit closed off, and I plan on making things right.

I crave to hold him in my arms again, but I must refrain. I won't try anything unless he asks me to. And from the awkward smiles and closed offness I observed today, I think it'll be awhile. To which, I don't mind.

I shall wait for eternity if I must to gain back his trust.

A sharp knock draws me out of my thoughts and I glare up at the closed office door. "You may enter."

"Hey, Alastor. I have those papers that need to be signed for approval of the float." Charlie pokes her head in, appearing nervous.

Heaving a hissing sigh, I motion for her to come in. "Place them on the desk, my dear. I shall take a look."

She quickly slaps the stack of papers on the desk and flees, door clicking shut behind her.

Stepping foot into the hotel this morning after being rudely interrupted watching Anthony eat my food with such relish by a messenger imp, a certain cold tension fills the air. A tension that is deliciously entertaining.

Of course, the tension only built when I crossed the threshold and tossed the messengers dismembered head in a bloody heap on the lavish carpet saying, "If you wish to contact me, there are other ways my dear. Sending this bothersome imp was not nessesary and soured my good mood."

"You don't have a Hellphone. What were we supposed to do?" Vagatha huffs, prodding the head with the toe of her shoe and frowing at the terror frozen on the imp's features.

"There are other methods that do not require sullying the steps of my home with scum. Summoning spell, for example. It works just as well and requires a mirror. I have such a mirror for that very reason in my basement, and am alerted when it clouds over with someone trying to contact me." Both are unamused with my explanation, and I simply shrug and make my way to the office given to me when I first took charge in this laughable place.

It's for Anthony.

All of this is for him. I do not care that Vagatha and Charlie are walking on eggshells around me. It matters not that I begrudgingly must help with the float in any way. None of it matters.

The only reason this hotel isn't a smoldering pile of rubble, is for Angel's sake. Me helping after he begged for me to return, is for him.

If it makes Mon Ange happy, I will obligate in doing meaningless drivel. Anything for my love.

Another knock sounds and I hold back an irritated snarl of displeasure. Barely.

When a fluffy white head pokes its head in, my demeanor relaxes. Angel.

"Ya got a minute, Daddy?" His tone is joking, but I wince. I've never really liked that term, especially when Angel calls me it. I know he's teasing but it rubs me the wrong way.

"Refrain from calling me that, please. And yes, I have a minute to spare."

"I was wonderin' if I could hang out with ya in here fer awhile? Cherri is busy and bein' around everyone else? It's jus' too awkward. Even Husky is actin' weird." Heated rage races through me at the bartender's name coming from Beau's mouth, but I take a deep breath and nod.

"I don't see any harm in that. Take a seat on the recliner while I fill out these forms. I shouldn't be too long and we could go out somewhere to eat... if you wish." I keep my eyes glued to the form in front of me, holding my breath for his answer.

"Thought ya weren't 'bout dates and showin' yerself on one." Angel asks, but there's something layered under the edge to his sharp tone. Hope.

"For anyone else, I wouldn't think twice to say no. But because it's you, my Wildflower, I want to try." Raw honesty. I lay myself bare in front of him, hoping that he understands my feelings.

"I'd like that." He murmurs and gives me a genuinely sweet smile that flashes his gold tooth. A smile that makes me melt.

So beautiful.

As he stretches out on the red plush recliner and takes out his device, I try my damnest to focus and blow through the paperwork as fast as I can.

The scritching of pen on paper sounds so excruciatingly loud in my ears as I fill out the forms, that I don't hear the soft chuckle coming from Angel's direction.


Author's Note:

I know this chapter is short, I'm sorry guys. I had a lot going on today and wanted to give you all a peek into Alastor's mind in this chapter so you know why they go on a date in the next one. I promise the next chapter will be longer!

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