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Al doesn't know that I can hold my liquor well. That I can remember things even when I'm buzzed or drunk. So, when he kissed me on the forehead last night...

I remembered it.

I still feel his lips on my fur. Surprisingly soft, if I may add. I watched him look around my room through closed lashes and bend close to kiss me.

When he did, it was a struggle not to tilt my head to the side by just a fraction. If I would've given into my desires burning through my body that night as I lay limp in bed, I would've moved my head as he leaned close so that our lips met.

But, as usual. I'm a fucking coward when it comes to Alastor. To be fair, he's scary as fuck to be around. Always glaring at me with those judgy red eyes, always bringing back corpses or wearing his victims when he returns to the hotel, and always humming a strange tune that I can't make out because of the ear grating static.

Regardless of his scary hobbies and odd customs, I love the damn guy.

That's right, I said it.

I'm in love with the Radio Demon. The strawberry pimp of this hotel. Have been since a month after meeting him.

Hey, there's a reason why I tease him endlessly.

There's just something about him that I can't quite put my finger on. Something strangely... familiar.

But, nothing can ever come from it. With my binding contract with Val and the kind of work I do, no one is ever interested in staying. Not that I care. I don't.

Besides, Alastor isn't the type of guy to settle.

Rubbing my face, I stare at my tired reflection in the mirror. My job and meeting with Val doesn't start until five tonight, so I have some time to waste before then. I pick up my phone to read my messages and wince at the unpleasant thing I have to do tonight.

Another God forsaken gangbang.

Sighing, I slip on loose pink silk pajama bottoms, an oversized T-shirt, my stylish black boots, and trudge downstairs.

Getting closer to the lobby, I hear arguing.

"Do you have to make that cheesy shitlord help with our float? He clearly doesn't want to work with Angel." Vaggie huffs.

Ouch. That hurt.

Guess I shouldn't be surprised that the Radio Demon wants nothing to do with me. Even if that means working together. Oh well. You live and learn.

Stopping at the end of the stairs, I hover and listen.

"I know Angel can be a... handful at times, but he is an asset to this hotel. Just like everyone here. That includes Alastor. He agreed to help with this hotel and whether he likes it or not, that means his time." Charlie says softly.

I wish I could've been a fly on the wall to witness that conversation, I think with a chuckle.

"It's rude to easedrop, Angel dear." A deep static voice says in my ear and I jump with a girly shriek.

"Fuck, Al." I growl. "Do ya hafta  sneak up on people like that? Ya know it's rude ta do that as well!"

Alastor stands three steps above me, his gaze studying my face and wide creepy smile neatly in place. "I don't sneak, Angel. I merely appear."

"Well, why don't ya appear yerself off a damn cliff." I plant my hands on my hips and shoot him a glare.

"Now why would I do that?" He asks, eyes narrowing.

"Nah, yer right. I'd miss ya too much." I tease and a crimson flush brightens his cheeks as his smile strains to stay in place.

Blowing him a kiss, I turn and stride into the lobby. "Hello ladies, what's on the agenda fer today?"

"Good, you're here. Vaggie and I want to tell you of a great idea!" Charlie gushes, her eyes lighting up.

"Ya want me ta work with Smiles over there on a float fer the parade." I bite back a laugh when her expression morphs into one of shock.

"I heard from the stairs." I shrug.

"He was ease dropping." Alastor exclaims, moving from behind me to stand further in the lobby.

"They get that, genius." I snap.

"I'd hardly call myself a genius, but thank you my dear." Alastor says, his grin widening.

"It's not a compliment, ya creepy, chucky, lookin' doll." I mutter.

A sharp pain explodes behind my eyelids and I rub my sore head while glaring at the Radio Demon, who is eyeing me with smug satisfaction.

Peeking over my shoulder, I see tendrils of shadow disappear down the hall.

Asshole! Use his powers to smack me in the head? I'll show him.

"Ouch," I groan, putting my arm up to cover my face. "Charlie, he's using his powers fer gain. My head hurts sooooooo bad. Ow!"

"Al, what did we discuss? No using your powers in this hotel. Out there? Fine. But not in here. This is supposed to be a safe space." Charlie scolds, wagging a finger at the perplexed looking radio demon.

"I... but... he..." Alastor splutters and glares at me over her shoulder.

Smirking, I wiggle my fingers at him.

Hands curling into fists, his eyes glow a ruby red, making him look ten times more creepy. A true bloodthirsty monster.

His red eyes promise merciless vengeance.

"I'm off ta da coffee shop." I snort, pleased with myself.

"Why don't I go with you?" Alastor replies, sharp grin widening. His demeanor switching from murderous, to calm. A bit too calm.

"Nah, ya have shit ya probably need ta do. I'll go by myself." I answer quickly, fear creeping up my spine.

The Radio Demon never volunteers to do anything. Especially with me. So, him coming along is practically a death sentence.

"Nonsense, my good fellow. It will give us time to gather ideas for the... float." My breath catches at the way he says the last word. Like instead, we're planning a funeral.

.... My funeral.

"That's a great idea! You two have fun!" Charlie calls out as I make my way uncertainly out the door with Alastor close behind me.


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