Meanwhile, with the real Moriko. . .

Start from the beginning

Before my team got the chance to act, that's when a hooded, masked figure stepped out the shadows. She took them all down using taijutsu alone, which I suppose isn't all that surprising in retrospect. It turned out to be Moriko, as her tell-tale glowing eyes gave her away.

I had hoped that we lost her back when we were at the desert hideout near Tenchi Bridge, but she must have been tracking me all this time. She did say she'd return once Orochimaru was gone, but I dismissed the comment.

Guess I shouldn't have done that. She stayed true to her word.

Now, my team has her surrounded, and Karin is questioning her as if she's on trial for murder. Moriko is unfazed at Karin's aggression towards her, as she listens quietly and respectfully. She has taken off her hood and mask, sealing it away in a storage scroll and packing it into her weapon pouch clipped behind her. The Hebi have surrounded her, and she stands in the middle, on-guard, but less so than one would normally be if they encountered us.

She seems at ease, despite the tense situation, one hand on her hip and a small smile on her face as she lets Karin talk her head off. Juugo hasn't made any moves, just watches her silently with mild curiosity.

Now that I see Moriko's human form, I can't help but take note of the, um, changes.

Her hair is longer, evidence of that being the bun her hair is in being bigger than before. And the silvery-grayish highlights are now more prominent than they were when she was younger. She has her hair out naturally, no braids, twists or locs. It's brushed back into a high bun on her head, with a portion out and pushed to the side of her face. The heat of the summer sun has left it curly, making it seem like it was styled professionally when really that's just how her hair is on days like this.

She still favors lavender for her choice in kimono attire, just as Mother used to whenever she made clothes for her. It's lavender and white, but this one she's shortened and made the bottom part into shorts. The one she's wearing is similar to the one she regularly wore on missions, except that it's missing the white waist-belt with the Uchiha clan symbol on the front that Mother made for her. Instead, there's a plain, blue waistbelt in its place.

She's a walking enigma, having changed both a lot and almost not at all in the last three years.



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