Chapter Twenty

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Jaxx stared at his lover's limp body. He couldn't move... he didn't want to believe what just happened was real. He was stuck in a nightmare... he had to of been.
But he wasn't.

"Don't worry..." Mary said, maliciously. "You'll be joining him very soon..."

"I disagree, mother." A voice said as they came from behind Mary. Not far behind was Jaxx's parents and the soliders of both kingdoms. "Your pathetic reign of Tyranny is over."

"Amelia!? You're meant to be dead! I made sure of it!" Mary yelled, furiously.

"You can't tell the difference between me or a fake body? Hilarious."

"Hold on..." Jaxx said, overwhelmed with shock. "How did you all know what was happening!?"

"Son," Jaxx's mother began. "We were informed ahead of time of something like this." She lifted her hand to show Lilithum and a note.
"Now," Jaxx's father began. "Guards, take her away."
The men nodded as they knocked the gun out her hands and pulled her away.

"On the 15th of November 2023, we come together to celebrate the memory of Prince Sora of Acecia."

Jaxx stood and looked at Sora's grave. He didn't want to accept it. But, he had to. Tears were running down his face. It felt as if a part of him had disappeared. Had broken away, leaving the feeling of sorrow and anger. He could've kept Sora safe from his mother. But, instead, he stood there, like a fucking idiot. What kind of boyfriend is he? An awful one.

"Hey," a voice said from behind him. He turned around to see Amelia. "Don't beat yourself up about it. It wasn't your fault."

"Still, I didn't even try to stop him from being shot."

"Jaxx, nobody in this world is faster than a bullet. There would be no way you could've saved him."

Jaxx stayed silent.
"Look," Amelia said, calmly. "The best thing is to move on Jaxx. I know it'll be hard, however, it's what he would want you to do. He'd want to see you happy..."

"I know," he began. "But, he made me feel the happiest I've ever been!"
"I know, but, it'll be fine. We're all be here."

They stood in silence. It was a peaceful silence. However, soon Amelia had to leave back to Acecia.

Jaxx took a deep breath.
"I love you..." he whispered as he walked away.

"I love you too..."

And with that. It's over... this was fun to make and I'm glad people enjoyed it. You're all going to hate me for the angst but it's what I live off of. I loved this AU and how it turned out. It wasn't exactly how I imagined it but then again, I have trouble wording shit so I couldn't make it as I was wanting it to be. Thank you to everyone who read all the way through. I may make another fanfic at some point, but for now, don't expect anything but oneshots for my other book, alright? Thank you once again.

Tschüss alle!

❤️💙Called Out In the Moonlight💙❤️ // Soraxx Royal!AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon