Chapter Eight

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(Here are my new squad ocs in Gacha club- the old ones were more vibrant and neon so I decided to try something new :) )

Sora climbed out his window slowly as he checked each window. He prayed nobody was awake as he touched the patio below him. He began to sneak cautiously through the hallways trying to get to the front door.

Once he got to the front door he opened it slightly to see Jaxx slowly coming up from behind a bush after seeing Sora who signalled him to come inside.

"Are you sure everyone's asleep?" Jaxx whispered softly.
"Yes, I am. If I wasn't I wouldn't have let you in, would I?" Sora replied with sass.

"So, which room is hers?" Sora looked around for his room.
"Her room is below mine, my mother has made sure its stayed locked for five years."
"Five!? How is your sister still alive??"
"She isn't. She died because of my mother although we aren't allowed to get her locked up since she's an omnipotent queen, according to her."

"Oh, I'm sorry about your sister..." Jaxx said quietly, Sora smiled at him.
"It's fine. It weren't your fault..."
"So, what was she like..?" Sora looked at the other's eyes intently

He could tell Jaxx actually wanted to know all about him and that he'd be around until the end. Sora couldn't tell what he was feeling but, he liked it. It was a good feeling...
"Well..." Sora began...


The blue-haired sat on the cold, concrete stairs, tears in his eyes. He had been messing about when he had cut his knee. He was six around the time. Soon his sister came out and saw him crying.

"Sora? What's wrong?" She asked as she moved her blue, wavy hair from her face.
"I- I fell over and my knee got cut!"
"Oh! Here," She picked him up. "Let's get that cleaned up and put a plaster on it then!" She smiled as she walked in and to her room.

"Alright, stay here. I'm just going to ask the maids if they have any plasters, okay?" Sora nodded as he wiped the tears from his face and his sister hurried out the door.

Soon after she returned with a box of plasters and a damp cloth.
"Let's make your knee better!"


Sora heard crying through the floorboards, under him was his sister's room. He was now 10, she was 13. She had recently been having a hard time as their mother kept commenting the way she acted and her body isn't 'ladylike'. Sora headed downstairs and knocked on his sister's door.

"Amelia? Are you okay? It's me, Sora... can I come in?" He said calmly. He heard sniffles through the door then a faint 'yeah' and he opened the door.

"What do you want, Sora?" Amelia said as she wiped the tears from her eyes.
"I wanted to check on you... I heard you crying." He said as he closed the door quietly.
"I-I'm fine... don't worry about me."
"No, you always have to deal with me when I'm upset so I'm going to help you! Whether you like it or not!" Amelia smiled softly as she talked to Sora. Sure, he didn't understand everything but he helped her as much as she helped him.

Flashback Over

"She seems really nice, I would've loved to meet her." Jaxx smiled sweetly. Sora blushed slightly at the smile and smiled faintly back.
"Yeah, she would have loved to meet you too... it's a shame what my mother put her through..."
"Yeah, commenting on who she was could've lead her to some awful things."
"I know, but, I can't just say it aloud, I'd end up having the exact same fate as her."
They stopped speaking, the silence grew thicker and thicker. It wasn't a comfortable silence but, it wasn't uncomfortable either. More of a bittersweet silence but it didn't matter.

They soon snuck into the office, it hadn't been touched since his father disappeared. He hadn't returned and Sora grew worried for over him. His father was relatively good, if only he was the royal blood, he's be able to get rid of Sora's mother instantly. But he wasn't. He couldn't do anything. Sora looked through the cabinets around the room while Jaxx looked in hidden spots of the room.

"Found a key!" Jaxx whisper-yelled as he picked it up and turned around.
"This has to be the one!" Sora whispered excitedly as he grabbed Jaxx's hand and snuck out. Jaxx blushed softly at the contact.

Once they reached the door, Sora took the key from Jaxx and put it in the lock. A perfect fit. He twisted ever so slightly and the door swung open slowly to reveal an untouched room.

(I literally procrastinated this Chapter like five times- but hey, I finished it- This is also the lobgest chapter yet so chapter Nine will probably be a little shorter than normal. Anyways, Tschüss alle!)

❤️💙Called Out In the Moonlight💙❤️ // Soraxx Royal!AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن