Chapter Five

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It had been a month since they met. They had gotten along really well together. Sora looked out the bedroom window. He had grown a sort of small crush on Jaxx. Who was he kidding? It was a huge crush. He couldn't go a second without thinking of Jaxx. They always snuck out at night to meet up, they'd stay there for hours on end and potentially fall asleep there and when that happened they'd be dreaming of the other. It may of seemed early to develop a crush on someone but, Sora could tell, this is who he was meant to be with for the rest of his life...

Sora then heard a tweet from his balcony so he headed over to see Lilithum. Lilithum was a small purple-magenta bird. He had found her in the garden once, she had been injured so he had helped her and she kept coming back to him. She now helped Jaxx and Sora send letters to each other.

Sora grabbed the letter.
"Thank you Lilithum." He said, happily as he began to read it.

Hey Sora, wanna have a picnic tonight? We can just relax and talk about anything that's happened recently.
~Jaxx (P.S - Lilithum is so adorable!)

Sora smiled as he grabbed a quill and some paper to reply. He then gave it to Lilithum and sent her away. He smiled softly. It all felt weird, talking to the heir of his kingdom's enemies? He didn't seem bad and Sora just wished he could spend every second of every day with him. He blushed at the thought when he heard a knock.
"Sora," It was his mother. He recognised that stern voice.
"Yes mother?" He replied as the door opened.
"Alex is here. Spend time with your future wife.
"...Yes mother..." Sora walked out of his room to see Alex at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hello Sora," she said, calmly.
"Hello Alex," he replied in the same tone.
"What would you like to do today?"
"Hmm, let me show you something, I found it not long after we first met."
"How interesting! Shall we?"
"Yes, however I told Charli to take s day off, is it alright of she comes with us?"
Alex's face brightened and she smiled.
"Of course!"
They grabbed Charli and off they headed.

"What is it that you wanted to show us, Sora?" Charli asked curiously.
"I'm showing you both because I trust you two. You promise not to tell anyone?" He asked.
"Won't tell a soul." The girls replied in sync which caused them to laugh a little.

After a few minutes of walking they finally found the beautiful valley.
"Here it is," Sora said, excitedly.
"Woah... this place is beautiful!" Charli said looking around the entire place.
"It really is..." Alex mumbled, softly.

"Sora?" A voice said from behind them.
"Oh! Hey Jaxx, I thought we were meeting later?" Sora said as he went to hug Jaxx.
"We are... I just wanted it to look nice before you come here, nice to see you're here... who are these two?"
"Sora! You do realise he's the heir of the Queen's rival kingdom!" Charli said, worried.
"Calm down, Charli. Me and Jaxx are friends, nothing is gonna happen to us."
"If you say so..."

Sora introduced Jaxx to Alex and Charli, Alex and Jaxx had recognised each other so they got along well. Charli slowly warmed up to Jaxx. They all just relaxed there and had a lot of fun. The four of them felt free when around each other. It was a nice feeling...

But... not everything lasts forever...

❤️💙Called Out In the Moonlight💙❤️ // Soraxx Royal!AUWhere stories live. Discover now