Chapter Two

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Sora and Alex walked down the steps into the garden. It looked fresh and beautifully coloured.
"And this is the garden, I usually spend time out here if I'm not in the library or my room." Sora said, calmly.

"It's really beautiful. I love they style of the entire place!" Alex smiled softly.
"Would you like to sit out here for a bit?" he asked.
"Sure, I am a little tired." They sat and just talked. Sora learned that Alex had a younger brother, Light. He has purple hair and purple eyes with freckles on the lower part of his face.

"He seems really cool!" Sora said, happily.
"He is but, he's also really annoying. But what about you? Do you have any siblings?"

Sora was gonna respond but he didn't.

"It's... a hard thing to talk about." He replied quietly.
"Oh! Sorry for asking then, I didn't mean to upset you!" She said, worringly.
"You didn't and you don't have to be sorry. It isn't really your fault."

They sat in an bittersweet silence until Alex spoke up.
"Okay, I should just say it here. I don't like you. I wouldn't mind be your friend but I don't wanna be more than that. I'm a lesbian. My mother is forcing me to be straight and says it's all just a phase!"

Sora sighed,
"I'm glad I'm not the only one. I like men, I have no interest in women. Then again, I should tell my mother that so she can stop trying to force this straight crap down my throat."

They heard a voice from behind them.
"Prince Sora? Princess Alex, you're parents called for you." One of the maids said. She had Ginger hair up into a pony tail and amber eyes that glowed as the sun hit them.

"Thank you Charli." Sora said as he got up.
"I'm assuming me and my mother are going back to our castle now." Alex said as she wiped down her long pink and white dress as she got up.

"Your mothers are at the entrance of the castle." Charli did a small curtsey and sped off.

"She looks beautiful, is that one of your maids?"
"Yeah, although I consider her as my friend as well. She's really sweet."
"You said her name was Charli, right? It's a beautiful name!"
The two kept chatting and walked to the entrance, where they met their mothers.

"So? How was spending time with each other?" Sora's mother smiled as the two headed over to them.
"It was nice, mother." Sora said, calmly.

"What did you think, dear?" Alex's mother asked her.
"Oh, it was great!" Alex smiled softly, hoping she'd be able to fool her mother into believing her.
"Good. Now, we best be on our way. Thank you for having us Mary!"

"It was lovely having you, Victoria!" Sora's mother said as the two mothers wave goodbye to each other.

"So, what'd you think of Princess Alex, honey?"
"She was really sweet b-"
"You'd both be a perfect match! Bless Aphrodites!"
Sora stood there. His mother seemed really happy, he didn't want ruin it...
"Yeah..." He agreed, trying to hide his sadness, just like his father would always tell him: 'Emotions are weakness. Do not display them ever.' Dumb? Yes, but he still did as he was taught.

"Now, I need to get ready for the King and Queen ball tonight." Queen Mary said joyous as she began to walk up the stairs.
"Wait mother!" Sora's mother stopped and turned around.
"Yes, Sora?"
"Uhm... where's father? I haven't seen him today..."
Mary went quiet.
"He must be helping with the ball. Now, if you excuse me, son. I have to get ready." She sped up the stairs, leaving Sora at the entrance.

"Prince Sora?" He heard a voice squeak from behind him.

"Hmm? Oh, Charli! Is there anything you need? And please, just call me Sora." Sora said as he turned around.
"Oh, it's just... a letter was sent here by the King and Queen of Astali..."
"I see, I'll make sure mother and father look at it. Thank you Charli, what would I do without your assisstance?"
Charli smiled brightly and walked away while Sora headed upstairs to hand this letter over to his mother. He knew it wasn't something good... it was his family's rival kingdom. They never send letters unless it was to ruin their kingdom in any sort of way they're able to.

He felt the tension rise when he handed his mother the letter. Her entire expression changed the second she opened it although Sora never knew what it said. She wouldn't tell him... but why? If she wanted him to be the future king, why can't he know about any of this. After all, he is 18 years old. He's old enough to know, right?

(Tension- we love it. We also love cliffhangers. Don't we? If not then too bad. Majority of my chapters will have cliffhangers :) )

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