Chapter Twelve

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(How have I done 12 chapters and not given up yet- eh I'll start writing I guess)

Sora was waiting for Jaxx in the place they usually hang out. He sat by the beautiful river and watched as the waterfall crashed against the rocks at the bottom. It kept him calm as he was anxious as to why Jaxx needed to meet up with him. It wasn't like Jaxx to be that serious.

After a while, Sora heard footsteps from behind him. He turned to see Jaxx walking down. Sora immediately noticed his expression. His usual bubbly smile wasn't on his face. He looked saddened.
"Hey Jaxx," Sora smiled as he got up. "Are you alright? You don't seem like yourself..."

"Uhm, yeah..." Jaxx said. "It's just something I overheard my parents say that I need to tell you."

"Hmm? What was it?"

Two Hours Earlier

Jaxx once again heard the loud chatter from his parents' room. They always had loud conversations, believing that their own son couldn't hear.

Jaxx put his head against the wall, closed his eyes and eavesdropped.

"Fiona, we have to do something! I know you want the best for him, and I do as well. But right now, we have to think about our kingdom's safety. Not just our son's." He heard his father say irritantly.

"Darling, I understand. You know all I want is for Jaxx to be happy and I'm only trying to negotiate with her so that both ours and her sons don't have to have to fight for a cause they don't even know!" His mother, 'Fiona' responded, her voice strained.

"Listen. As soon as Jaxx is king and Mary's son is as well, we will call this war off and they can settle it however they would like. Jaxx's corination is in two months time so it hopefully won't be long. It all depends on when her son also becomes king as I doubt it'll be the same day as Jaxx."

It went silent for a minute until Fiona spoke up again.
"Alright, but Nathan. If this isn't over by the time both of them our kings. I will-"


(Ha- you'll never know what she said- or will you? We'll see.
Also sorry its been a while since I updated this thing. Honestly, school had burnt me out, I was having moments where it hurt to eat and I was having all sorts of problems. However, I'm now om half term and I now have another sibling and I feel better mentally. I do have a cold though so yeah-
Anyways, enough of me ranting and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Tschüss alle!)

❤️💙Called Out In the Moonlight💙❤️ // Soraxx Royal!AUWhere stories live. Discover now