Chapter 21

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(Y/n's POV)

The stupid Bifrost dimensional machine thingy dropped me off down some dingy alleyway in the middle of New York City.

Perfect. Just fucking perfect.

I suppose that's my fault really. I didn't want to give him my exact address because I didn't want anyone to know where I live, so now I've ended up here.


Still, it's nice to back on a familiar planet. The smell of smoke and cooked meat, the feel of crumbling gravel beneath my feet, the sound of rude, obnoxious Americans all getting in each other's way.

It's all comforting.

As I walk through the city, I'm amazed to see that the majority of it is already rebuilt after the battle. Assuming everything went smoothly with the plan to take down Malekith, logic would suggest that this place would be a ruin, but almost everything is up and running.

I do vaguely remember Thor saying something about time running differently on Earth and Asgard, but even so. This is incredible.

If I were well rested, I might have gone for a wander around the city, just to see if anything's changed, but right now I want nothing more than to climb into my own bed, and sleep away the next few days.

I hail a cab to take me right to the edge of New York, then I walk out into the familiar field and head straight for my house.

It takes about 20 minutes of walking through long grass and cobblestone paths, but I finally make it.

I don't even have it in me to go see Tom right now, which is probably just as well as, when I walk by his house, I see all the lights are off. So they're either not in or they're all already in bed.

Smart decision on their part.

I'm walking up my front path, but my pace slows ever so slightly as I notice minor disturbances. My gate was already open, the grass looks like it's been walked on, my hanging basket above the door is slightly askew and one of the roof tiles has fallen to the ground.

Someone's been here.

I try to keep my footsteps as light as I can, but I know that if there's anyone still here then they'll have heard me already.

I quietly test the door handle just to check it, and it's unlocked.

Fuck. All I wanted was to sleep, is that too much to ask?

I don't make it 5 feet into my own home before I feel something sharp pierce the skin of my neck.

"Ow," I say as I reach up to pull the thing out. "A dart?"

My head feels woozy, and the floorboards beneath me don't feel stable. It's like I'm on a ship in the middle of a storm, tipping backwards and forwards.

I fall to my knees just as two long legs appear in front of me.

"Hello y/n. Miss me?"

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