Chapter 7

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(Y/n's POV)

"Alrighty then. How are we getting to Svart..... Svatlat..... Flumfenstein.....?"

".......Svartalfheim?" Loki offers as he suppresses a snigger.

"Yeah, that one."

"The leader of this army is one called Malekith. One of his ships crashed not too far down that corridor, and we're going to steal it."

"We're not stealing it," Thor interjects. "We're simply hijacking it for the purpose of getting to Svartalfheim."

"We're stealing it brother, just accept it."

"Okay. So we steal the ship, then what? What happens when we get to..... when we get there? How do we get this thing out of Baby Jane?"

"Um, just Jane is fine," she says with her arms folded across herself protectively.

I know that stance all too well, so I dip my head slightly in apology, and she smiles gratefully.

Thor fidgets, slightly uncomfortable, "We know that Malekith is able to withdraw the power of the Aether, that's what's inside her, so we ambush him and play him into getting it out, then we destroy both it and him."

"Wow," I raise an eyebrow. "The Mighty Thor Odinson is going to willingly kill another creature?"

"I do when it is necessary. This is not just a revenge mission; in killing Malekith, we also protect the Aether and the future of hundreds of universes. Besides, there are some people you'd do anything for."

I watch as he turns his gaze to Jane, then glance quickly at Loki, only to see him looking straight back at me.

"Right," Sif claps her hands together, clearly bored of the sentiment, "We've wasted enough time as it is. Shall we?"

"I think we should get these cuffs off first, don't you?" I gesture towards Loki's wrists.

"It's uh, for the best that we leave them on for now," Thor says.

I spark my power in my hand, "I wasn't asking."

"Hey listen here-" Sif steps forward threateningly with her weapon ready in her hand.

"Easy!" Thor puts out a hand to stop her. "It's fine. They can come off."

There's an unspoken exchange between the two brothers as Odinson removes the metal restraints from Laufeyson, before the Lightning God storms off ahead, with Sif and Jane quickly following, and me and Loki trailing behind.

"I still can't quite believe you came back for me. Thank you darling, it's much appreciated," he gives me a genuinely smile as we speed-walk through the castle.

"I said I would. You doubted me?"

"I wouldn't say that. I'm just very used to empty promises, so it's a nice surprise when someone follows through."

"You can trust me, Loki. I know that what happened in New York isn't exactly what you wanted, but it wasn't about the Avengers; I had to put the people of the city first. But I am here for you."

"And I am here for you. I may not be the most trustworthy man out there-"

"You? The God of Mischief? Untrustworthy? No I don't believe it," I grin.

"Don't ruin my moment of genuineness, they are few and far between."

"Sorry, continue."

Thor comes to a stop in the room ahead of us, speaking quiet words to the guard who stands within it, but Loki grabs my hand and pauses us outside the door.

"I may be untrustworthy and down-right irritating at times, but I am good to the right people. I would keep you safe, no matter what."

His honesty is a tiny bit shocking, but I like seeing this side of him, "I believe you."

"Hey! Come on you two, we don't have time for this," Sif yells at us.

We share one more smile, before his grin takes a slightly more sly twist, "Let's go kill a Dark Elf."

"Aaaaaand he's back," I say with a laugh.

"Hurry up!"

"You want to snap her neck or shall I?" he mutters quietly to me as we walk into the room, and I have to bite my lip to stop a snigger from coming out.

"Onto the ship everyone," Thor commands us. "Now!"

We make our way onboard, but the warrior stands her ground.

"Sif! On the ship, now. I won't say it again."

"Do not use that tone with me Odinson," she says in a dark voice as she presses her weapon to his throat, but she swiftly withdraws her.

She makes no move to board the aircraft.

"I'll stay here with Volstagg and hold them off," she nods to the guard who was in the room before we were. "Take the girl and destroy the Aether."

He makes a face to show he disagrees with this decision, but we all know it's foolish to try and stop her.

"Very well. Thank you Sif. Stay safe."

"You too. Now you must go, I can hear them coming."

He nods, then heard us all further into the ship before closing the door behind him.

Sif remains on the outside with her weapon poised in front of her, prepared for battle.

Time to go.

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