Chapter 3

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(Loki's POV)




Metallic clang on clang.

I didn't even realised I'd dozed off, but I wake to the sounds of battle in the corridors. Every cell seems to be open but mine, and the prisoners are steadily taking down the guards.

I pace slowly back and forth in front of my cell entrance, and it doesn't surprise me that none of them come to free me.

"It's as though they resent being imprisoned," I hear one of the guards say sarcastically.

 The one next to him sniggers, "There's no pleasing some creatures."

Swords and driven through torsos and axes are lodged into skulls.

With a sigh, I sit on the floor with my back against the wall, and I start to read one of the books that Frigga brought to me.

There's the tell-tale thud as my brother's feet connect firmly with the ground to announce his arrival to the scene.

"Return to your cells and no further harm will come to you. You have my word."

From the corner of my eye, I watch as one of the prisoners steps up to Thor and punches him in the face, and I can't stop the grin from spreading onto my face.

I do love watching idiots make stupid decisions.

"Very well," Thor says as he shakes of the hit and holds up his hammer. "You don't have my word."

He swings his weapon left and right, around him, and brings it down onto many prisoners.

It was fun when they thought they stood a chance. Ah well. Entertainment's over I guess.

He wastes no time in bringing down every single one of them, until the floor is completely covered with dead or unconscious bodies.

I wait for him to look at me, so I can give him a lovely smile and sarcastic wave, but his eyes never once drift my way.

Of course they don't.

He doesn't care.

Once the task is done, he turns and leaves as quickly as he arrived, leaving the remaining guards to clean up the mess.

"Loki Laufeyson."

My head lifts slightly as I look at the soldier by the door.

"I have been sent by the All-Father with a message."

"Well? What is it? I don't have all day you know, very busy schedule and all that."

"It is your mother-"

"I don't have a mother."

"...... It is the Queen of Asgard."

"Yes? What of her?" I make a show of yawning as I continue to flip the pages of the book.

"The Queen of Asgard has fallen."

My hand freezes, "What?"

"It seems as though the prisoner release was a diversion. The Dark Elves stormed the castle led by one they call Malekith. It seems he was looking for something that the Queen was trying to protect. She gave her life for it."

I'm shaking, ever so slightly, and my breathing is ragged and uneven.

"Leave," I say quietly.


I yell as I repeat myself, "Leave!"

He jumps to attention and scurries away from my cell.

I throw the book to the other side of my cell as I rise to my feet, fists clenching and unclenching, repeatedly.


It cannot be true.

Frigga. Dead.

Absolutely not.

Because the last time I saw her, she wasn't really here. She was just a vision. An illusion.

And now I shall never see her in the flesh again?

How is that fair?

Whilst I may have ignored it, she was the only one who really cared about me. Really took the time for me.

If she's gone, who do I have left? Who will love me now?

"Argh!" I shout and release a burst of my power, sending the furniture crashing into the walls.

I will find this Malekith.

I will avenge her.

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