Chapter 10

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(Y/n's POV)

I hate strangers.

If I know nothing about you, I can't even begin to trust you.

Which is exactly why I pause as soon as I see a man beckoning us towards him.

"It's okay Y/n," Thor says as he passes me with Jane still in his arms. "That is Fandral, he has acquired us another vessel. However we must be quick, it won't take long for the guards to catch up with us."

"You gonna push someone out again?"

"Not this time," he chuckles.

Loki comes up behind me and gently touches my back to encourage me forwards.

"Right, yeah. Onwards. Got it."

We run over to the vessel which, as soon as we climb aboard, is quickly abandoned by the man named Fandral.

"For Asgard!" he yells, then turns to Thor. "You lot carry on, but I'll hold them off."

Thor nods gratefully and lays Jane on the base of the ship, leaving Loki and I to get ourselves up.

"Well, I'm definitely taking the wheel on this one," Loki says as he goes straight to the controls.


"What? I'm not dying at the hands of your poor flying brother. It's not far, we just have to get through there," he points ahead of him to a small split in the mountains.

"Um, Loki? Are you sure you can get us to the other side? Isn't there another way?"

"Darling, are you doubting my skills?"

"Eh, only a lil bit."

"You just wait," he grins and increases the speed of the aircraft.

"Jesus Christ," I mutter as I cling onto the side so I don't fall out.

"Come on.... Come on! Almost.... there......"

Thor covers Jane's body with his own to try and protect her, and I just squeeze my eyes shut so I don't have to see us crash into a giant rock.

I wait for impact.

And I wait.

And I-

"You can look now."

My eyes slowly open to see his face not too far from mine, a slight furrow to his eyebrows displaying his concern.

"You actually did it."

"Of course I did darling. Told you I would."

He takes my hand and helps me to my feet, and I can't help noticing the small distance between us.

I jump slightly at the noise from behind us. Thor clears his throat as he stands up, and keeps his eyes averted from us as he covers Jane with a blanket he found. God knows where he got it from.

Loki sighs as he looks down at her, "Oh what I could do with the power flowing through her veins."

"It would consume you. Also, no."

"Well you never know brother. She's holding up alright, for now."

"She's strong in ways you'd never even know."

"You should say goodbye," I say gently.

"Not this day."

"Thor, this isn't normal. A normal human being cannot hold this much power. It's a miracle she's lasted as long as she has."

"She's right brother. Whether it's this day, the next, or a hundred years. To you, it'll be a heartbeat. You'll never be ready. The only woman who's love you've prized will be snatched from you."

"That'll be satisfying for you I'm sure. Hate to break it to you, but surrender is not in my nature."

"Ha. The son of Odin-"

"Not just of Odin! You think you alone were loved of mother? You had her tricks, but I had her trust."

"Was that her last expression? Trust? When you let her die?"

"What help were you in your cell?"


"Who put me there, hmm? Who put me there?"

"You know damn well who!" Thor grabs Loki's collar and raises a fist as if to strike him.


They pause, breathing heavily, as I stand and stare at them

"This is disgraceful," I say, shaking my head. "You fight over your mother's favour, but what would she think if she could see you now? She would be disappointed that her two sons have turned their backs on each other at the time they most need one another. It's not about tricks or trust, it's about family. And you two are damn lucky to have each other, so don't you dare take it for granted."

Thor releases his grip on Loki, and they can't quite make eye contact with me or each other.

"She's not wrong," Thor says as he kicks the ground. "Mother wouldn't want us to fight."

"She wouldn't exactly be surprised," Loki responds with a small smile.

A sound turns all our heads to the same direction; another ship has landed far down a hill, but it's not difficult to guess who it is.

Jane sits up in the back of the aircraft, her eyes glossy and unfocused, but she's looking the same way we are.


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