Chapter 14

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(Y/n's POV)

The door opens so, so slowly, and I squint as I see light for the first time in three days.

"I hope your time in here has taught you a lesson," List's familiar voice sounds like a foghorn in my ears.

I dip my head at him, "Yes. I'm sorry."

"What is the lesson?"

"I... What?"

"What is the lesson you have learned during your confinement?"

Why does this feel like a pop quiz that is designed to be failed.

"Um, I've learned that it is unwise to try and fight you, and that I won't be set free any time soon, so I may as well succumb to the torture?"

If I'm gonna fail, I'm gonna fail well.

His face twists into an evil grin, and he turns to nod at the guard stood outside the room, the guard who steps in just far enough to grab my arm and pull me out. Once I'm away from the room, a second guard steps forward and sticks the cattle prod into my back. I scream and fall to my knees, List seeming satisfied as he looks down on me.

"I think we should continue with our training, don't you?"

"Do I have a choice?"

Another glance, and this time I get the shock in the back of my neck.

"No. You do not have a choice. However I suggest you learn to hold your tongue and make this experience less painful for yourself than it has to be."

Too weak to stand, the two guards drag me back into the lab and place me in the chair, strapping me in by the wrists and the ankles.

I just feel numb at this point.

There's no use crying or screaming for help.

There's no-one coming for me.

Bright white light fills my vision, and I have to squeeze my eyes shut to save my sight.

My head is throbbing.

I try to look to the side, but my neck locks into place and I groan at the stiffness.

"Ahhh, motherfucker," I hiss.

"Woah, easy there," a kind voice says to me. "You had a nasty accident there, can't be moving around too fast."

"What the....." I squint up at a tall, fair woman, dressed in a light blue outfit that looks to be adorned in a subtle gold armour. "Who are you? Where am I?"

"I'm the King's nurse miss, I take care of these wards nearest his chamber."

"The King's..... his chamber..... What?"

The ceiling above me is also gold, and extremely ornate, with what seems to be artistic depictions of different battles.

"Sorry, where did you say I am?"

She looks concerned, "I'm going to check for a concussion, you seem awfully disorientated."

"It's just.... I had a car crash, right?"


"On Earth. Unless we're in some sort of medieval cosplay, this isn't Earth."

"Well of course it's not. This is Asgard."

"I'm what?" I sit up quickly, and I have to steady myself as the room spins.

"I have to insist that you lie back down miss."

"What, no. How am I in Asgard? How did I get here?"

"Well we were hoping you could answer that. As far as we're aware, you just..... appeared."

"We? Who's we?"

"The King, miss. He wishes to speak to you once you are able."

"I'm able. I'll go see him now."

"I'm afraid I can't allow that. I have to make sure you rest so you can heal."

"Look, whatever it is, I can heal it myself. Alright? I have this really cool, really awesome trick, meaning I don't need your help."

"King's orders, miss. I cannot allow you to leave this ward until you are completely recuperated."

I sigh angrily and lie back down on the bed.

"I'm gonna kill the King."

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