Chapter 8

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(Y/n's POV)

Thor's looking at all the buttons in confusion, randomly hitting ones to the left and the right, as the King's army storms into the room and starts battling with Volstagg and Sif.

"I thought you knew how to fly this thing?" Loki asks, incredulous.

"No, I said 'it surely can't be that hard', yet it appears I have been proven wrong."

"Now normally I would love to gloat, but this really isn't the time. So whatever you're doing, do it faster!"

"Shut up!"

I get comfortable in a chair as I watch the two brothers bicker, and Jane fidgets from one foot to the other, clearly anxious. A peek into her mind tells me she's scared of the power inside her, of what it could unleash, but she's not afraid to die. Hmm. That's interesting.

"Don't worry about it," I say to her calmly. "It's gonna be alright."

"Sorry what?" her eyes snap to me as I bring her out of her thoughts.

"The Aether. They'll destroy it, it'll be fine."

"How did you..... Did you just....."

"Yes, I read your mind. It's a thing I can do. Surprise," I do a small jazz hands, but rather than look impressed she suddenly looks very pale. "You don't look too good."

"I'm fine."

She's not fine.

"Stop hitting the buttons!" Loki says to Thor. "Just press them gently."

"You're telling me to be gentle? Really?"

"With the force you're punching the things, you may as well be hitting them with your hammer!"

"If you don't have anything helpful to say, just shut up!"

"Well you must have missed something."

"I didn't! I've pressed every blasted button on this thing."

The fighting continues outside the window, but not a soldier has managed to get past our two protectors.

"Why isn't it- Oh hey, it's working!"

Thor laughs as the engine rumbles to life, and we're swiftly ascending, above the heads of the people below, and we exit through the hole in the ceiling where the ship initially crashed, not failing to do extra damage on the way out.

"Look, why don't you let me fly it? I'm clearly the better pilot, wouldn't you agree y/n?"

"Eh, I'd say you're as bad as each other," I grin at him.

"Out of the two of us, who can actually-"

There's a thud as Jane's body hits the ground next to me.

"Whoops," I shrug.

"Oh dear," Loki cocks his head to one side, "Is she dead?"

"I'm not dead," she says weakly from the floor. "I'm fine, just keep going."

As Thor turns his head back to try and see Jane, the ship veers sharply to the right and the wing of the ship drags through the brick wall of the castle, doing even more damage.

Loki crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow whilst Thor avoids eye contact with him.

"Just shut up, alright? I know how to fly."

A noise from behind gets my attention, and I turn to look out the back window.

"They're following us," I say calmly.

Bullets start firing from multiple ships to the left and the right.

"Now they're shooting at us."

"Yep, thank you for the commentary Y/n!" Thor says with his sight fixed firmly in front of us. "It's not at all distracting."

"I don't think the sarcasm is necessary, do you?"

I don't get a response to that.

We all get thrown slightly as we crash into yet another stone creation.

"Well done," Loki says as he looks down out the window, "You just decapitated your grandfather. Do you know, this was such a great idea Thor! Let's steal the biggest, most obvious ship in the universe, and escape on it! Flying around the city, smashing into everything in sight so everyone can see us!"

Thor wordlessly moves away from the controls and opens the door, but Loki keeps going.

"It's brilliant brother! Truly spectacular idea-"

With a swift shove from Thor, Loki goes flying out the door and falling to the ground below.


I don't give it a second thought. I push Thor to one side and jump out the aircraft after him.

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