Chapter 16

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(Y/n's POV)

A bubble of air is trapped in my throat, blocking my airway, choking me, suffocating me.

"What.... What the..... How....."

Loki walks towards me slowly with his hands up, a familiar smile on his face.

"What the fuck?" I shout and hit him with a burst of electricity, sending him to his knees. "What the fuck? How the fuck are you here? What the fuck did you do? Why-"

"Maybe keep the volume down a little bit darling," he says as he shakes off the excess energy.

"Keep the- Keep the volume down? Are you fucking joking? Is this a joke?" he stands up and grabs my hands to try and calm me down, trying not to acknowledge the affect my power is having on him. "Some kind of sick joke played by the court jester or some shit like that? Because I refuse to believe that this is real. This is not really happening. Tell me you did not fake your death and kill your father just so you could impersonate him and take the throne."

"Okay. I didn't do that."

"Loki! What the fuck!"

"I'm not lying in all fairness, I didn't do that."

I pull away from him as fury-fuelled tears pour down my cheeks.

"I didn't kill him, he's not dead."

"Well where the fuck is he? The North Pole with Santa Claus?"

"I don't know who that is. But no, not quite the North Pole. Somewhere on Midguard though."

"What? He's on Earth?"


"Well how long for? How did you do that? Why would you do this?"

"One question at a time darling," he smirks as he walks back over to me, but I slap him sharply across the face.

"How dare you," the ice in my voice is unmistakeable. "How dare you do that to Thor. To me. All that stuff you said to me about trusting you, that was all bullshit right? This was your plan all along."

"Now now, that's not exactly true. I told you I'd keep you safe, I didn't say you should trust me."

"Are you listening to what you're saying? You said you'd keep me safe, then sent me head first into some fucking rocks!"

"That was because Thor and I had a plan, and I couldn't let you ruin it," he says gently.

"A plan huh. Was this part of it? Does Thor know about this? About shipping Daddy off to Earth to die so you can have his chair?"

"He's not my father."

"Well he's Thor's father and now you've taken that from him."

"I have had everything taken from me!" he raises his voice to me, and I flinch slightly. "As a child, I was promised a future that was never intended to be given to me. You said it yourself! I was just fighting for my dream. The seed that Odin planted in my mind as a boy. I'm just making sure I achieve it."

"This was not the way to go about it. You left Thor to think you were dead."

"And did he mourn?"

I struggle to find the right words. He didn't exactly weep next to his brother's corpse.

"That's what I thought."

"Even so, I mourned. I cared that you were gone. And now I find out it was all a lie? Some sick power game? And how is Thor going to feel when he finds out-"

"He's not going to find out."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that."

"Y/n," his tone is quick and stubborn. "Thor is not going to find out any time soon. Asgard is now mine, and I won't have that taken away from me."

"You have to hide behind the face of Odin because the people won't respect you for who you are. Is that really the kind of kingdom you want to be ruling?"

"Power is power. I have my throne, I have my crown, I have my title."

"But none of it's real."

He looks at me, seemingly upset, "Y/n, I cannot have you telling Thor about this."

"Loki, regardless of what he's done to me and how he's treated me, I can't let him go on thinking that his brother is dead."

".......Then I'm afraid you leave me no choice."

He uses his charm to replace his 'Odin' facade, and grabs hold of his tall cane.

"Believe me when I say that I am so, so sorry for this," he says, then loudly bangs his cane on the ground.

This seems to be a summoning call as, a short moment later, the chamber door opens and two guards appear.


"Miss y/l/n is a trespasser, and has committed treason to the kingdom...... Please escort her to the dungeons."

"What? No," I look between the two guards, panicked, as they begin to approach me. "Please listen to me, he's not who he says he is. That's not the King. That's Loki Laufeyson, the King's son."

"Miss," one guard says firmly as he grabs my arm, "Loki Laufeyson is dead. I suggest you make this easier on yourself and come with us."

I sag slightly as I realise they both believe the lies they've been spun, and betrayal stabs at my heart as I turn back to look at him.

"Please don't do this. Please don't lock me up. I can't be locked up again."

A look passes across his face and I know he's thinking of my time at Hydra, but he waves his hand to dismiss the guards and to take me with them.

"No. No! Loki please no! Please!"

I grab the wrist of one of the guards and knock him out with my power, but the other injects something into my neck before I can take him out too, and I quickly become very drowsy and disorientated.

I dip in and out of consciousness as I'm dragged through the castle.

When I fully come to, I'm locked away in a cold, dark cell.


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