Chapter 9

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(Y/n's POV)

Someone should have told me when I was younger to never jump out of an aircraft without a parachute.

Because ow.

The descent is quicker than I could've imagined, and the ground comes up to meet me before I can stick a landing meaning that, when I hit the floor, I land heavily on my left arm.

"Ah you motherfucker!" I yell as I hear the bone snap. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Holy shit," I groan through gritted teeth as I push myself to my feet with my right hand, and hold my left close to my body.

Thor lands steadily on his feet with Jane in his arms.

"You bastard," I hiss at him, but he just shrugs.

"Sorry, but that one's on you."

"Ha, I'll show you sorry you son of a bitch. If you hadn't pushed him out, I wouldn't have jumped out."

"I didn't ask you to go after him, that was your choice. I personally would have just left him to fall alone."

"I'm not like you, I don't just leave people to die," I say, making it clear that I'm never going to forget his actions.

"He wouldn't have died. Maimed, maybe, but not died."

"Classy as always brother," Loki comes up behind me whilst I glare daggers at his brother. "Are you alright darling?"

He tries to touch my arm, but I pull it away sharply, causing myself more pain than if I'd just let him touch it.

I take a few deep breaths as I try to straighten it out, but the pain is too much and I can't bring myself to do it.

"Shit," I sigh angrily.

"What can I do to help?"

"You can't. I need it to be set straight so I can heal it, but if you hold out my arm then you're gonna get the shock and it'll floor you."

"Wait what?" Thor interrupts. "You can heal yourself?"

"Oh, so now you're interested?"

"Answer the question Y/n."

I roll my eyes, "I found out that my electricity has some sort of regenerative power. So I could fix my arm, but I can't stretch it out to hold it in the right place. It hurts too much."

"Does it work on other people?"

"Not as far as I'm aware. Hence the whole 'it'll put you on your ass' thing. Unless there was someone else who could take in the energy without being affected, I don't think it'd work."

"Let me," Loki steps forward with his hands held out.

"I can't. I can't do that to you."

"It's okay darling," he nods reassuringly. "Let me help you."

"I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't, I promise."

"I will."

"Well, then I promise not to take it personally," he grins. "Come on, let me."

Thor watches our exchange with a strange look, an unconscious Jane still in his arms, and he takes a step back as I reluctantly let Loki take my arm.

I instantly wince at the sharp pain.

"Okay, just pull it. No matter how much I try and resist, I need you to pull it out until it's straight. And please do it fast."

I hold my lips tightly together as I scream. The pain is giving me flashbacks to my time at Hydra, feeling the same way I did when I was hit with the cattle prod, but I shake the image from my mind and force myself to focus on the task at hand.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Loki says over and over again as he holds my arm firmly in its position.

"Mhmm, it's okay. It's fine," my teeth are clenched together as I try and breathe evenly. "Okay, I have to do it now. I'm sorry in advance."

He nods to show he's ready, and I send a swift but strong pulse of concentrated electricity down to my arm, and I can immediately feel the bone start to mend itself as Loki drops down to his knees, his hands clenched into fists and his own arms shaking from the affect of the power.

"I'm sorry, are you alright?" I crouch down to look at him, my arm still stretched out as it finishes mending.

His body jitters for a few moments, but it quickly subsides.

"See," he says as he spreads his shaky arms out to indicate he's fine. "Piece of cake."

He stands before I do, then holds out a hand to help me to my feet.

"Thank you, for doing that."


A beat passes as he looks into my eyes, then Thor clears his throat to interrupt the moment.

"Right, now that's done.... Shall we?"

I shake out my newly-fixed arm, glad to see the pain is all gone, then I start to walk in the direction of our destination, intentionally hitting Thor's shoulder on my way past.

"Asshole," I say just loud enough for him to hear.

"Isn't she incredible?" I hear Loki say as his footsteps follow mine.

I'm not so far away that I can't make out Thor's next words, and he sounds almost sad.

"Yeah. Incredible."

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