Chapter 13

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(Y/n's POV)

It turns out that Jane had found a ripple, a fracture between dimension, and it had created a portal. When we cross to the other side, we find ourselves no longer on Svartalfheim, but back on Earth. There's an abandoned car which Jane says is the one she arrived in with her two other scientist friends, and she knows where to take us.

Thor takes the front seat next to her, and I squeeze into the back with a shit-ton of expensive looking science equipment.

It's a really fucking fun car drive.

No-one says a word.

The streets are oddly quiet as we drive through the city, and rain patters at the window until we eventually pull up to a musty, crumbling apartment block.

"This is where you live?" I say in disgust.

"It's convenient," she shrugs.

"Looks cosy," Thor offers, and I roll my eyes with a scoff.

"Um, come on. They'll be upstairs."

We walk into the lobby of the building, and I glare at the lift with yellow tape across it, reading 'out of order'.

"What's wrong with it?"

"Most of this building has no power. I got lucky with my apartment, but one half of the building including this elevator has nothing."

"We'll see about that. Is there a fuse box or something?"

"How should I know?"

"Because you live here dumbass," I mutter under my breath, and I don't miss the disapproving glare from Thor, but I just flip him off in response.

"Is she okay?" I hear her ask Thor quietly.

"She's fine. She's just being an entitled brat."

"Fuck off Lightning Boy," I snap at him. "I'm allowed to be a little bit sad and a little bit pissed off, alright?"

"Why are you mad? People die every day."

"Not people that I care about! I thought I had lost everyone in my life, but I just started to care for someone again, and now he's dead. And it's all her fault," I turn my glare to Jane.

"Me? What did I do?"

"You got us into this shit-show. Couldn't live without your precious superhero boyfriend, so you had to go looking for him. Couldn't just wait for him to come to you. No. You got us into this, and now I have to live without the one person left who cared about me. But sure, I'm just being an entitled brat. So excuse me, but kindly both of you go fuck yourselves."

I turn and run out of the building, and steal the car we came in to go back to where we came from.

I don't give a shit about what happens now. They can deal with it themselves, they don't need me and I don't want to be around them.

There's only one place I want to be right now.

I need to see him.

He may be dead, but I refuse to accept that he's gone.

Maybe..... Maybe there's something I could do. Maybe I could use my power to heal his wound, then do a sort of jump-start thing on his heart. Like a defibrillator. Maybe..... Maybe he's not actually dead yet, just severely wounded and waiting for someone to come heal him. Maybe...... Maybe he really is dead and his body is already gone and there's actually nothing I can do to bring him back. Maybe........

A car blares its horn at me, and I violently swerve the wheel as I refocus, only to crash straight into a brick wall.

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