All Taeyeon's anger just now disappear. Her heart felt warm and she was smiling like a fool. 'Aish... I hate myself now... What have you done to me Tiffany?'

She looked at the clock on the wall hoping the time will move faster.


The lunch time finally came and Tiffany came on time but she brought something else with her as well.

"Oh, is that..." Taeyeon's eyebrows raised. She was a bit surprised at the thing that just been carried into her room by the nurse.

"Let's have a picnic today. Go outside and get some fresh air?"

Taeyeon was really happy and with gleaming eyes she said, "Hooray!!" she clapped her hands excitedly like a child. Tiffany chuckled at her sight.

Due to her legs, Taeyeon can't move around so much except going to the toilet and showering. And both activity were really pain in the ass with the fixator on her leg.

Tiffany helped the blonde to move from her bed to the wheelchair, "Fany-ah, when this thing will be removed?" Taeyeon asked pointing to her left leg.

"Oh, I already ask the doctor. They said, probably next week. But they need to do another x-ray to confirm it has healed first," Tiffany assured.

"Great! I can't wait! Not walking for so long making me feel like my leg is not my leg anymore..." said Taeyeon, worriedly. She fear of not able to walk normally anymore.

"Don't worry... It takes time. You will able to walk back as usual after the physiotherapy."

Tiffany pushed the wheelchair and headed out of the hospital building towards a small park. They stopped at an empty space and decided to have a lunch there under the tree shades. Tiffany took out a blanket, laid it down together with the picnic basket. She helped Taeyeon to sit on it and served the food she had brought.

"OHHHH it looks delicious!"

Tiffany packed some traditional Korean food from the best restaurant in the town.

"Here," she took a piece of beef using her chopsticks and offered it to Taeyeon's mouth. But little did Taeyeon know, when she was about to bite the beef, Tiffany pulled her hand, leaving her eating empty, tasteless air.

"Tif-fa-ny!" Taeyeon yelled and pouted.

"Awww she is so cute!" Tiffany mentally cheered. She then broke into laughter at the sight before her while fighting the temptation to kiss those pouting lips, "I always want to do that." Tiffany chuckled. "Taeyeon-ah, you are so cute!" unable to restrain herself, she pinched the girl's cheek as it reddened due to her compliment.

"Mou... you're a meanie!" Taeyeon frowned.

"Ok, ok... stop pouting, princess. Here. This time, it is the real thing," Tiffany held out her hand to Taeyeon and the girl gladly took the beef in her mouth. Tiffany aware that Taeyeon now could feed herself, but she didn't care and enjoyed feeding the other girl.

"Taeyeon-ah, can I ask you something?" Tiffany asked out of the blue.

"You can ask me anything, Fany-ah," she assured, still munching her lunch.

"Where is your family?"

Taeyeon choked and coughed hearing that question and too a glass of water handed by Tiffany.

After clearing her throat, she looked at Tiffany who was looking guilty and a little regret.

"It's ok. You no need to tell me if it's difficult for you."

"No, it's ok. Actually, they... They were no longer in this world."

"I'm sorry..."

"It's ok. It's a long time ago anyway."

"Do you have any siblings?"

"Yes, I had an elder brother and younger sister... but now not anymore."

Tiffany noted Taeyeon's eyes who become teary, "Taeyeon,"


"You have me."

Tiffany's heart was beating fast. Her breathing increase and she felt her face was flushed. She turned her gaze away and tucked her hair behind her ears, feeling embarrassed of what she had just declared.

Taeyeon noticed the sight before her and she smiled. She lifted her hand to cup Tiffany's face and caressed it gently using her thumb.

"Thank you..." she said almost a whisper.

Tiffany leaned close to her.

'Is this another trick?' Taeyeon wondered as their face become closer.

Their noses were less than an inch apart and they could felt warm breath on each other's face. Tiffany's bangs were tickling her forehead.

'Fuck all this, I'm not gonna let myself tricked again.' Taeyeon leaned all the way and closed the gaps between their lips.

They shared a simple kiss that lasted less than a minute. Both of them pulled away shyly. Their faces were turning red.

"Tae-" Tiffany started but she was stopped by Taeyeon's finger on her lips.

"Let's continue eating," said Taeyeon as she divert her gaze away from the girl's eyes. She could see disappointment in the doctor's eyes. Nothing was said after that. They continue their conversation like nothing had happened.

They finished their lunch. Then Tiffany noticed Taeyeon was yawning, "Are you tired?"

Taeyeon shook her head but she yawned again.

Tiffany motioned her to lie down on her lap. She ran her fingers through the golden tresses. Taeyeon's hair felt so smooth and silky and it's getting longer too.

Taeyeon smile to the smiling goddess above her, 'I know I have feelings for you, Fany-ah. But just wait a little bit more. At least until my leg heals first.'


"Miss Kim, from the x-ray done yesterday, we decided that it's time to remove the fixator. After some blood test, maybe we can do it tomorrow."

"Yes! Great!" Taeyeon smiled looking at Tiffany who was standing beside the orthopedics surgeon.

"It will be done under general anesthesia. So we will prepare you for the opt."

"Another operation?"

"Yup. Don't worry. It just a small procedure." Tiffany assured.

"Alright! Doesn't matter as long as I can walk faster."

On the day of the surgery, Taeyeon was feeling excited. She was lying on the bed waiting to be called by the staff nurse to enter the OT. Many things were running through her mind now. She has a lot of things to do when she can walk again. And her plan involve her life especially with a certain doctor who has been keeping up with her since they first met. She imagined of holding Tiffany's hand, able to stand beside her and walked side by side. There's a lot of things she wanted to do with the girl. A lot.

"Hey, what are you thinking? You are smiling like an idiot," asked Tiffany.

"That's a secret."

"Does it involve me?"

"Hmm... Maybe."

"Miss Kim Taeyeon?" a nurse called.


"It's time."

Taeyeon turned to Tiffany, "Will you be inside?"

"Nope, I will wait for you outside."

"Alright. Wait for me."

[TAENYFic] Accidental Love (completed)Where stories live. Discover now