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he is so me fr 396 WORDS

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he is so me fr

I love the rain absolutely love the rain.

anytime it's raining I will go out of my way just to go outside.

it doesn't matter to me if I have an embrella protecting me from the rain or just free ballin it.

I just love the rain.

on the other hand joao... not so much he doesn't hate it or scared of it he just is not like me.

most people don't love the rain because it gets your hair wet and clothes and comes at the worst times.

to me I don't mind if it comes when I don't have an embrella or if I do.

but joao definitely does because we were out walking today and it started raining.

I didn't mind it of course but joao did I could tell he was annoyed.

"we could go back if you want?" I asked him knowing about his hate of rain.

"no let's just go to the mall" he says I wanted to walk because I knew It was gonna rain.

and I really wanted him to say no and was so happy when he did.

We continued walking and in no time got to the mall and went inside.

we split seperate ways in the mall and I went to converse first.

I looked around and got some Valentine's day ones. (BRO I WANTED THOSE SO BAD BUT AM BROKE 😭😭😭)

I went back out and decided to go to a perfume store to find another perfume.

I bought some perfume then left to go and try to find joao.

I eventually found him wondering around looking for me I'm guessing.

"let's go back home okay?" I asked as soon as I saw him.

"yeah let's go" he replied back as we headed towards the exit.

it was still raining.

"let's run ay?" he said getting ready to run in the rain.

"yeah let's go!" I said back and we both started running like crazy people.

we didn't care how many weird looks we got it was like it was just us.

We got home sooner than we thought and when we got there we were both tired.

I was just happy to be with him.

little did they know he knew it was gonna rain and purposely went out just for them.


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