flower shop

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😿537 words


I was starting my shift working at the small flower shop down the street from my house.

I had on a light pink apron and a nice shirt and jeans.

I was nervous because it was my first day and I was afraid I would mess something up since I'm kinda clumsy.
(Idk if y'all are but I am 😭)

my first customer came in and I said "hey welcome in! What are you looking for today?" I asked him.

he looked at me in the eyes then said "oh sorry um what would you recommend" he asked.

"well my favorite flower is (whatever) but if your talking like for a girl probably roses." I said disappointed.

'He probably already has a girlfriend but hes so cute' I thought and frowned.

"so what would you like?" I asked him again as he looked around.

"could I get these." he said pulling a bouquet of (WHATEVER) out from someplace.

"yeah sure here let me ring you up!" I say and grab the bouquet.

I rang him up and gave the flowers back to him while he gave me the right amount of money.

he put a note inside the flowers and gave it back to me.

after that he simply walked away.

I was really confused and looked at the note to see if it explained it.

It didn't really but it said.

I think your really pretty text me

I started blushing so hard and immediately put the flowers down to how hard I was blushing.

I needed a mental break but I knew I couldn't just leave so I stayed until it was time for my shift to be over.

I drove home quickly and gave him a text.

hey I just got off my shift and saw the card

after a while I went into the kitchen to get a snack and got a text.

hey  would you like to maybe go somewhere sometime?

Oh yeah that's kinda sudden but I would have to check if I have work.

Could you do  Sunday?

yeah of course I could I can't believe I'm going somewhere with a complete stranger 😭

hey we don't have to be strangers I'll give you my Instagram and you can look me up

ah okay thank you I would like that very much.

okay it joaofelix79

Okay give me time to look it up and I'll brb

I got on Instagram and looked his profile up and he was the first one there.

I click on his profile and see that hes famous.

'Oh my god who would of thought a futbol player would like me! ' I think.

I look at a lot of his posts liking some of them on the way and follow him.

ynneedsavalentine going somewhere with a famous futbol player?? 😦just posted

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going somewhere with a famous futbol player?? 😦
just posted

I went back to my messages and saw I got a new text from him.

So now your stalking me?

stopp 😭

I'm looking forward to seeing you again

I am too beautiful

Stop your making me fr blush 😭

that's what im going for 😻

Anyways I have to go to sleep I have a shift in the morning 😿

Goodnight : )

didn't really know what to do forbthis 😭

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