Chapter 5 - Seeking Solace

Start from the beginning

"Naz.. leave it.. please.." Nasiir uttered weakly.

"What do you know about giving me orders, huh?" Naz growled.

The group walked through the next couple of doors. They all had flickering lights and eyes in them.. something felt wrong.

They reached a hallway.. it looked oddly calm. No signs or anything. Yanan wondered what exactly they were walking into, but the feeling that this whole ordeal could possibly end very badly soon was overwhelming him. His mind was racing. He was hyperventilating. It wouldn't take long for him to pass out if he didn't get some relief soon.

As they reached the end of the hallway, Yanan looked back and As they reached the end, a sort of humanoid inky black monster formed out the floor. It was tall, almost twice Y/N's height. It had one eye. One gigantic eye. That eye was staring directly into their souls.

"I suggest you run." The creature croaked.

Everyone looked at each other. They knew exactly what to do.
They took off running.

It was hard for Naz to carry Nasiir, considering that Y/N had let go and took off running in his own direction.

035. The furniture shifted itself, changing the way they ran.

036. They were running for their lives. Faster than any human could ever hope to be.

"Come on Y/N, I know you can Run faster than that! This is too easy!"

Y/N felt adrenaline rush through his blood. His heart beat quickly. His muscles tensed.

"Did that thing just call my name?!" Screamed Y/N

They would never forget this. Ever.

037. Y/N heard the monster behind them. It was right behind. He could feel the coldness radiating from its body.

038. They ran into a room with gigantic hands coming through the windows, trying to grab the two. Chandeliers fell from the ceiling. They crashed on the floor in front of them, dust filled the air.

039. As they passed the doorway, the door slammed shut. They could hear the monster banging on the door.

The group let out a sigh of relief, but there was only one thought running through Y/N's head. They were going to die here, that's if they weren't already.

-POV switch, Jack-


Jack's giggles soon turned into cackles, then laughs, then he was laughing maniacally.

He laughed until he passed out. Until it was too sore for him to laugh any longer.

As far as Jack could remember, He'd never passed out laughing. He'd never really laughed at all, really. He just felt like he deserved something nice for once. He deserved to be happy, to have someone else be happy with him.

Jack awoke on that pile of rags he called his bed.

All the memories began to flood back; how fun it was torturing Nasiir. Jack grinned from ear to ear. He finally remembered what it was like to feel genuinely happy. He was still shaking from the pure joy and fun he had with Nasiir. Nasiir's screams and begging played over and over in Jack's head. Infact, it was all he could hear now. The sweet screams of agony from him..

Jack was crying. Not tears of sadness, but tears of euphoria, happiness, and relief. Tears of joy because now, now he finally felt free. He had found his true relief, and he would stop at nothing for it.

His happiness was interrupted by a knock on his door.

The door slowly cracked open, revealing Halt, Hide, Shadow, Eyes, Screech and Seek. Seek didn't look happy like the rest; like he was forced to be here.

"Happy birthday to you.." They sang in unison.

"Enough." Jack sighed, getting irritated. His head was pounding, but not as bad as it had been earlier. "You guys are fucking annoying.. Why am I not surprised you show up here?" He chuckled.

"Shut up Jack.. c'mon! It's your birthday and Valentine's Day! Come on! Don't say no to these things!" Hide groaned. "We got chocolate, and flowers, and gifts. Jack.. come out of your hole.." She pleaded.

Jack scoffed.

"I don't wanna." He mumbled, looking away from them, avoiding eye contact as much as possible.

"Come ON JACK!" Hide whined.

"The only person I want right now is you. The rest can fuck off."

Hide gestured the others to go away, and they reluctantly complied. Only after watching them leave did she turn back to Jack. She smiled and entered his closet.

"Happy 18th..!" Hide beamed.

She presented a small cake and an odd looking hat. She tossed the hat at him.

"The fuck is this..?" He groaned

"A gift~! Come on wear it!"

"Why am I supposed to wear a fucking pirate hat..?!" He yelled.

"Well.. because it was my idea!" Hide smiled happily.

Jack put on the hat, and sulked. "You look so handsome.. you can be my Captain Jack!~"


"Come on.. here's your cake!" She placed the cake on his lap.

"It's hideous." He muttered, glaring at her.
She glanced at him. "Whatever you big goofy marshmallow.."

"Happy Valentines-Birthday.. my marshmallow Jackaboo.."

"Uhhh... thanks Horrible Hide." Jack burst into laughter.

"That's the best you could come up with? Whatever it doesn't matter. I gotta go.." She kissed his cheek.

"No.. no no.. don't go! Stay! Please don't go!" He grabbed onto her arm tightly. She shook it off. "Don't worry you big baby.. I'll come back for you." She smiled at him again.

Jack looked down at the little piece of paper sitting on top of his cake. "Thank you Hide..." He whispered. Jack unfolded the paper. It read; "To the best boyfriend in the world. I love you. You deserve the world and I will give it to you every day, forever. Happy Birthday Jackaboy ~ I love you."

Closeted Thoughts v2 | M!Jack x M!Reader | Doors AUWhere stories live. Discover now